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  • Your Community

    06. 20. 2009 10:45

I've got a Europa with T3 fighters, and they are not quad-gold pilots. I re-purchased it
this morning when I heard what was going on in the Select CV rooms. It is named "Come AB
With Me." I've got single 11's strapped on. I have run it with bombers and without
because I am unconvinced what the real rule is in shared-XP CV rooms. Not even the mods
seem to know (or are able to clearly put forth their view in English).

I could produce dozens of screenshots of equal idiocy and full admittance that they want
nothing but to exploit and AB.

Please, put a stop to this any way you can.


I'm not here to exploit the credit gain. I'm here to exploit those who are there to
exploit the credit gain by rushing the middle, parking, launching interceptors in non-stop
waves, and BEGGING the opposing side not to bomb or fire guns.

  • Re : Your Community

    06. 20. 2009 15:14

I tried two of the CV wars, and got this (or similar message) both times:

I carried two FP's and two DB's pilots, but quit because I felt dirty >.<

  • Re : Your Community

    06. 20. 2009 15:11

>.> this is crazy.. xD

but seriously use your common sense people... you already know w/c is Normal XP rooms and
Shared XP.. there is no point to argue when facts even if it is impartial, w/c ones not
included should already be understood that its illegal..

  • Re : Your Community

    06. 20. 2009 15:07

"Man, when there's CV :D:D:D:D to be had, the dumb:D:D:D:D:D come out of the woodwork
like nothing else. "
what i find amusing though is in the process to enforce rules rules are broken.

Anyways, my point is at the end of the day its just a game. No need to get very mad and start
to use big not so nice sounding words. This 10 thread discussion is getting a little mundane. Its
probably a better idea to cool down a little and let the Mods answer this. Making another 5
topics about this isnt going to get an answer any quicker.

  • Re : Your Community

    06. 20. 2009 14:59

Find the post where I said what they were doing was ok.
Word for word: "Telling people to not use bombers is Okay and not ABing."

Have I said that? NOPE.
Funny, because Im stating people are well within their right to run Fighter only. Not
defending people who try to make people play by their rules/

  • Re : Your Community

    06. 20. 2009 14:49

Nothing but AB. What more do you want?

  • Re : Your Community

    06. 20. 2009 14:38

Can I hear an "overhaul"?

  • Re : Your Community

    06. 20. 2009 14:34

Theres not much Abing going on in NY. Every cv room im in with my ise cv is guaranteed to
end before we get prem. I dont really have any screenies of Abing just lots of ppl cursing
at me.

  • Re : Your Community

    06. 20. 2009 14:33

Well Alteredfreak apparently you havent been taking a look at the screenshots. All
you have barked out so far is how in a shared exp game mode CVs can use fighter
only. Look at the chat, look at what they are saying. Furthermore, look at what they
are doing. I bet if monarch tried to enter another CV room hosted by that guy, he
would be banned. Honestly, if you dont have something to argue back with just shut

  • Re : Your Community

    06. 20. 2009 14:32

I will ask a clarification about the NB politics, anyways, let's wait for GM to speak and
keep in this *Fighters only is acceptable* debate.

  • Re : Your Community

    06. 20. 2009 14:29

Night battle the game mode (not normal rooms without scouts) is shared XP. if it wasnt it
would be alot more popular I would think at least (GB host controls without shared XP a
Vets players dream!)
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