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  • Explanation for Hackshield Issues

    01. 27. 2011 04:58

To clarify the recent issues regarding this week's patch, we want to make a short
explanation about the current situation. Unlike the descriptions in some topics, the
developing company of Hackshield (AhnLab) is a reliable company, and it is one of the
most famous company for online security in South Korea. Also, the Hackshield
program is used in many other online games which are currently running service.

Before adding this gameguard to our game, we discussed and tested for a long
time. We also tried to check it on various OS environments, for the possibility of
crash issues between the game and Hackshield. However during the test, it ran
smoothly and effective so we finally patched it to the live servers this week. There
were few issues during the tests, but we have managed to fix them before
patching. However we do admit there still can be minor issues left.

If you are having actual issues with Hackshield during your gameplay or by launching
the game, please follow the process we have recommended in the patch note. If the
issue persists, you can go through the following steps to give us a detail report.

1. Go to the game installed directory and find the following files in the /Hshield/
- Hshield.log
- Supdate.log

2. Also, we need file also, and in order to get this file, please check the
below steps:
1)Run the ahnrpt.exe file (Gamefolder/Hshield/ahnrpt.exe)
2)You can get the file after click [report the error] in top-left corner.

3. Please send us the log files above to pass to our developers. You can attach the
files via email and send it to [email protected]

*If you cannot get file, then please send us your Hshield.log and
from gamefolder.

We are currently monitoring the situation very carefully with our developers since it
is a sensitive issue for us too. If it's actually causing a major issue, there is always
the possibility to make a hotfix, so until then we want to ask to our players to make
a detail report, that we can check the issue faster.


  • Re : Explanation for Hackshield Issues

    01. 27. 2011 05:19

Jesus christ Yuno, that famous company in Korea thinks worse than a caveman. Alt
tabbing is detected as a Window Hack tool? Come on man!

  • Re : Explanation for Hackshield Issues

    01. 27. 2011 05:17

Try this one:

log in on the website

log in on the game

log in with your password on Items to buy

click on PURCHASE:



  • Re : Explanation for Hackshield Issues

    01. 27. 2011 05:16

Ok all i can say is wow..... ive played a few games that used Anti Hack Shield and it
DOESNT WORK. Those games still had hackers hacking the game. Therefor you cant
possibly tell us its a reliable company for online security. IT SUCKS!

Minor problems? The whole program is a huge problem! Ive heard alot about
HackShield and trust me when i say it wasnt much good things.

I know your not the one who made this final decision about HackShield but this fails
badly. Every time you guys try and fix something you make it worse (with some
exceptions). Every time you guys prove everyone how good you guys are at
breaking your own game.

  • Re : Explanation for Hackshield Issues

    01. 27. 2011 05:15

Great Idea, this is best way to kill the game quick (since its dying anyway). thanks for
giving us a hard time. you guys are really great (on messing up things). now i cant log
on and play. oh since many have post they not gonna download it, good luck with
waiting time.

it was good knowing you all.

  • Re : Explanation for Hackshield Issues

    01. 27. 2011 05:11

Well done, effectively banning a high percentage of players from the game. Now just

Next I want a patch to explicitly no longer allow the Frig-Y to carry H44 guns

  • Re : Explanation for Hackshield Issues

    01. 27. 2011 05:11

Will I Have A Big Problem Here In My Shop I Only Have 2 or 3 Unit Can Play NF....Not
Like Other Day I Have 9 or 12 Pc can Play NF.... This Hack Shield Give My Other Unit Low
Specs Slow And Laggy OMG Please Fix This....

  • Re : Explanation for Hackshield Issues

    01. 27. 2011 05:08

You are wrong in so many ways it's not even funny.

You cannot expect me to believe you are not aware many players require compatibility mode
to even play this game. So that is 1 issue you definitely should have foreseen and
handled before even considering applying this patch. So if you say testing was smooth and
without issues it only means your tests lack thoroughness.

Secondly, one of the biggest complaints about your game over the years has been the
waiting time. Your solution to this apparently is to prevent us from actually doing
something else during that time and instead force us to look at the waiting room?

Not to mention that I hardly consider a rootkit an improvement to my pc's security. It
monitors anything I do on my pc (even if HS does not abuse this, it leaves the option for
less benevolent software to do so) and will leave a security breach even after
uninstalling the thing if other rootkits are any indication.

My 2 cents here: Undo this garbage or you won't even have enough players left to make a
server merge worthwhile. I for one am being blocked from the game now since I've not found
a way to run NF in Vista64 without changing the compatibility mode.

  • Re : Explanation for Hackshield Issues

    01. 27. 2011 05:06

I have to agree with anotherhour combat arms Plus this also "
We are currently monitoring the situation very carefully with our developers since it
is a sensitive issue for us too."

Why because you forcing people to download a torjan or the fact your support tickets are
being bombared with P/O'd players or are you like mailman and say hey it works for me it
must work for every one else?
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