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  • credit where its due

    01. 31. 2011 05:32

im the first to criticise so let me be the first to say well done on the patch today. finally a
patch that seems to furfill its promises and bring some stability to the game again, still a
few tech issues but thats for a support ticket.

*dont bother flaming.... it would be nice to have 1 topic thwe fox doesnt jump on and

  • Re : credit where its due

    01. 31. 2011 11:21

Thank you sun for shining, thank you water for running, thank you air for cooling,
thank you cow for feeding, thank you car for transporting, thank you patience for
fedding up with this, thank you mold for making alcohol/beer, thank you trees for
making air, thank you roads to bring us somewhere, thank you clouds for making all
kinds of shapes, thank you wife for keeping me company, thank you...

These are things we should be more glad about, not ppl doing their job as someone
else allready stated. It's their job and they aren't that good at it. Didn't TeamNF
stated:"Before adding this gameguard to our game, we discussed and tested for a
long time. We also tried to check it on various OS environments, for the possibility of
crash issues between the game and Hackshield. However during the test, it ran
smoothly and effective so we finally patched it to the live servers this week. There
were few issues during the tests, but we have managed to fix them before
patching. However we do admit there still can be minor issues left."

And look what THEIR testing brought us at first, I mean come on you didn't test
alt+tab? HS moniters stuff you do OUTSIDE the game that affects stuff inside the
game. FAIL.

So again those who experienced lag since HS was released, did they fix that? or just
fix alt+tab, etc. Things that suppose to be tested.

You guys need an overhaul about your testing...this isn't the first time you epically
failed. If I fail at my job this many times I prob get fired.

  • Re : credit where its due

    01. 31. 2011 10:07

Well, nice to see they patch something
out of the normal scedule.

But this just shows to me one thing:
They COULD have already worked on all
the messy crap in the game and fixed it
right away IF they wanted too.
The pressure this time just was high enough
to get them started on the patch early.

The only other reason I can think of the patch
got out so fast is that AhnLab has some DEVs
who know what they are doing and THEY
fixed it, not SDE.

There should be no need to "thank" somebody
for their daily work.
Do you ALWAYS thank the cashier at your super-
market if he does his job?
Do you ALWAYS thank the guys from the
garbage-removal? And believe me, if they wouldn't
be doing their daily job, you would be in DEEP-S**T!

SDE (or rather AhnLab? who knows?) finally did
something as fast as they should have, and it was
something right too. And now THIS is a reason
to break out into standing ovations?

Get rid of Hackshield, and I will thank SDE for
taking the right step. (Even if it's late)

  • Re : credit where its due

    01. 31. 2011 10:04

What? They owe us credits?? Where can I collect them?

  • Re : credit where its due

    01. 31. 2011 09:59

+1 splid

  • Re : credit where its due

    01. 31. 2011 09:58

Even a polished turd is still a turd.

  • Re : credit where its due

    01. 31. 2011 09:57


But have they fixed the lag and do you have less crashes?

  • Re : credit where its due

    01. 31. 2011 09:15

Good News Everyone!

  • Re : credit where its due

    01. 31. 2011 05:53

I am satisfied also !
No problems till now !