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  • assisting gms with nf

    01. 31. 2011 22:26

Bug-Report-Form (please copy & paste into support-mail):

Please fill out the following form to report a bug, attach comprehensable screenshots and
send it to support with Subject: Bugreport

Bug Report description (short text):

Bug Time:
Bug Date:
German/English client:
Client Version:
Your game ID:
Your mailadress:

Ship used while experiencing the bug:
Other players affected:
Which Harbor was attacked(in case of HA):
Your Server:
Your Fleetname:

On which situation did you experience the bug(Harbour,room setup, room
entry, battle start, during battle, battle end):

Battle Type (GB1,BK,GB2, Normal, Select Mode, Mission,NightBattle,OpConvoy):

Your CPU (Model/Speed):
Your RAM (GB):
Your Graphics Adapter (Model, RAM):
Internet connection Speed (upstream/downstream, in
kilobytes per sec.):
Your Operating system:
Your Operating system version (64/32bit):
DirectX Version:
Your Router:
Your Firewall:
Possible Antivirus or Security software:
Other machines/clients in your LAN (yes/no):
Used Chat or Screenshot software:
Your Provider:
Your Country and City:

Additional helpful information:

  • Re : assisting gms with nf

    02. 02. 2011 19:55

Quote "
DXDIAG.txt and the NavyFIELD.RPT file sitting in your NavyField directory helps the
squish the bugs out."

Are you refering to the bugs that cause Vista to crash? If so the Dev's have had 4
years to squish those bugs but have FAILED to patch a solution.

The reality is that the Dev's don't need reports, they have no clue how to fix the
game. If you send any info to them make sure it is Hackshield related, that way the
Dev's at SDE can have another company fix it.

  • Re : assisting gms with nf

    02. 02. 2011 19:39

2 things simplify this ordeal

DXDIAG tells all about your computer info from CPU , GPU, RAM and other hardware stuff

DXDIAG.txt and the NavyFIELD.RPT file sitting in your NavyField directory helps the Devs
squish the bugs out.

  • Re : assisting gms with nf

    02. 02. 2011 17:48

Submitting this bug info to Sumi will be just as productive as sending in a support
ticket, in fact if he sends a reply that you can understand it will be an improvement.

However, I fear as though your work will be in vain. Unless you can speak stupid,
your knowledge and intellect will strike fear into the GM's and you will be quickly

On the off chance your work is accepted, learn the copy and paste answer to most
support tickets: "Thank you for your patience, we are working on it"

  • Re : assisting gms with nf

    02. 02. 2011 17:16

i can almost taste the premium now :P

  • Re : assisting gms with nf

    02. 01. 2011 08:26

Bug, when I load NF it downloads a rootkit that is accessing personal files on my machine.

  • Re : assisting gms with nf

    02. 01. 2011 08:15

if they aint paying dont do it :)

  • Re : assisting gms with nf

    02. 01. 2011 07:43

Campaigning for a forum mod job eh?