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  • Announcement

    02. 04. 2011 15:29

Dear Fans of Navy Field,

I have few things to announce today.

1. Hackshield
It has been more than one week now since Hackshield was applied to the game and
it seems like it has been getting adjusted well with the game. However, we still do
have a few technical problems to resolve.

I know that many players still strongly dislike or do not trust Hackshield and there
doesn't really seem to be anything I can do to sway their opinions. However, please
think about it logically in the sense that Hackshield has been and is being used by
more than 190 companies around the world including the largest online game
companies: Nexon, NHN and Gravity. More than 10 million players are proteced by
Hackshield around the world including North America. If Hackshield is as broken as
some people think, then do you really think that Hackshield would be used by this
many companies and players? I know that it's not the perfect protection, but it's
much better than having nothing to protect the players. Also, it helps provide a
better gaming experience since hack tools cause stress on the servers. Unlike some
other online games, Navy Field is really vulnerable in regards to player stats, so if
one player tries to use a hack to manipulate data during battle, it may cause
problems for other players in the same battle.

I am seeing some propaganda topics about Hackshield and while questions and
concerns are welcomed, it is not nice to make claims or misleading statements
attacking it without any proof. So, as of now, I will ask our forum moderators to
delete any propaganda topics about Hackshield. Please stop wasting time with such
unnecessary comments.

2. Server Merge
I know that we have not been doing well these last few months and I am really sorry
about that. This is why we have decided to release the Soviet Union as a free
addition as a form of pay back to the community. I have also been thinking about the
server merge for a few days and I have decided to listen to the community this time,
which means we will merge servers into two. Iowa and Yamato will be merged
together and Bismarck and Nelson will be merged together. I will open a new server
when both servers hit their maximum occupancy limits (I hope this will happen soon).
We are aiming to merge servers on 02.17.11 and also trying to release the Soviet
Union on same day. We will let you know when if there are changes to the schedule.
Also stay tuned for further merge details.

3. Crash Problems
We have been getting many reports from players experiencing crashing during
battle. I have looked into these reports carefully and found that it occurs mostly on
laptop users with low amounts of physical RAM. I have also found that if you use
"Gamebooster" or perhaps a similar online optimizer you will see a black screen in
NF. Please refrain from using such programs until this problem is fixed. Additionally, it
seems like most of the crash problems occur in Great Battle 2 and not so many in
Blitz. I am asking you to help us to resolve this problem. Please reply in this thread
with the following information:

PC format: (Desktop or Laptop)
OS: (Winows 7, Vista or XP)
CPU: (Intel Pentium 4 3.2 Ghz)
RAM: (4 GB)
VGA: (ATI Radeon HD3870)
Crashing issue experienced: (Great Battle 2 or Blitz, or completely random, etc.)

This is all for today. Thank you for your continued support of the community.


  • Re : Announcemnet

    02. 04. 2011 15:39

HackShield is Fight Club. Proof otherwise please.

The server merge info is amusing.

Toulon harbour?

It would be very wise for the high-level moderators to do whatever they can to find out
what will happen with the harbours and fleet infos. If it is still undecided and we have
to wait for the practice/test merge, somebody should come out and say it.

The other tweaky thing will be figuring out how to finish the YO fleet league . . .