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  • **Server Merge Q&A**

    02. 07. 2011 00:56

As we get more I will add them here. Starters for 10:

Q1. Will ALL sailors be merged aside from Yellows under level 12? If so how will the
system cater for an account that is maxed out on each server with the core 50 plus
on HQ pages?

A1. All sailors irrespective of level or yellow will now be merged. If the number of
sailors when merged extends beyond the 50 limit then they extra will be invisible
space is made in the core 50, either by placing sailors in the HQ or dismissing
sailors. At that point the previously hidden sailors will start moving in to the space

Q2. The yellow sailor question - is it just yellows under 12 that will not be merged?
a player has levelled his yellows on both servers and spent money on them with
B/V/E for
instance will he lose a set or will he keep all of those? If losing a set which will he

A2. Answered by 1.

Q3. Ships - obviously cant have two of a ship type after merge, so one will be
of by the system if doubled up, but will full reimbursement occur for Armour, Guns,
Hulls etc?

A3. Duplicate, non-premium ships, will be sold to harbour as part of the merge.
Non-duplicated ships will be moved. If players are concerned about armour costs or
reimbursement costs for selling then they are advised to sell duplicate ships before
patch on 17 Feb 11.

Q4. Ships 2 - prem ships paid for with cash, same as above cant have two, but is
any compensatio for the money spent on two?

A4. The aim where premium ships are duplicated is to have the spare one placed in
to the
Items list. This will allow the player to keep one in reserve or to sell one and use the
other after the merge. However, this is not yet confirmed and it may be that
doubled up
prem ships may need to be sold with credit reimbursement as part of the merger.

Q5. Fleet Data?

Q6. Fleet Compensation - are we going to provide some compensation for fleet
leaders to
re-establish fleets for those that lose fleet data?

A5&6 - we are asking the Devs to keep the fleet data on Iowa and Bismarck. Fleet
data on Yamato and Nelson will be lost in the merge. Between now and the merge
Leaders on Yamato and Nelson can have a level 80 radioman placed on Iowa or
Bismarck as
appropriate to start reforming the fleet ahead of the merge. Fleets on Yamato and
can apply to Vick on email for compensation for having to reform on their new server
and I
will get **15** mil credits added to the fleet leader/exec account they nominate.

*****Addition & Edited - Same to request by support ticket, but we will now actually
copy your radioman across to the other server. Ideally, fleet leaders should then
delete the original radioman on Yo or Ne prior to the merge. If already submitted
based on the level 1 sailor instruction then we will work that out and no need for a
new ticket. Thanks*****

Q7. Harbours - reset or allow to be kept for those retaining fleet data if any? If
is there any compensation for any investment made in harbours?

A7. All harbour information will be reset, so no fleet will own a harbour after the
Fleets in possession of a harbour on ANY server just ahead of the merge, so week
commencing 14 Feb 11, can apply to Vick by email for compensation and will receive
**50 mil credits for each harbour held**
credits to compensate for declaration costs and some of the previous investment
that has been made in the
harbour. HA declarations will not be available before 28 Feb 11 to provide fleets a bit
more time to get themselves back in shape.

Q8. Are we looking for players to avoid using the new trade system in the run up to
merge? If that is the case can we get it removed to make sure or are we trying to
rely on
their goodwill? How do we get the message out if the latter?

A8. Players should stop using the New Trade System at least 3 days before the
merge to be totally sure nothing gets lost from there in the merge. We cannot
remove the
system without a major patch, which will not happen. We ask players to spread the
word on
this and TeamNF will be doing server messages in game as we run up to the merge.

Q9. Credit and point reimbursement for BB6s if doubled up?

A9. If BB6/CV6 are doubled up the second one will be sold and credits/points

Q10. Is there any plan to bring MN and SN harbours online for HA after these
merges are
done and SN is introduced? A lot of players would like to see this, especially if we
busy servers with more fleets competing?

A10. There are no plans for this at the moment. MN and SN harbours are not set up
for HA
and there is more development required to add them than it might appear at first. It
remains an aspiration without a timeline at the moment.

Q11. Will EBBs be transferred and if doubled up will there be compensation for losing

A11. EBBs will be transferred and the same principles as premium ships will be
Any problems with EBBs should be referred to Support Ticket and if required we will
manually place them again, but only with the same nation etc that the player had

Q12. Can we assume premium items will just be added together to give new total
amounts -
for example expert packs, Smoke, mines and premium HH?

A12. All such totals of items like this will be added together and available on the
merged server.

Q14. Will duplicate ship names be permitted or is one server losing all theirs?

A14. Duplicate ship names will be permitted on the merged servers as long as they
are not
changed. If you change a ship name that was duplicated and then try to change it
back the
system will inform you it is taken and you will need to set a different one.

Q15. Used items such as Dock expansion and HQ slots - do they get combined?

A15. Yes.

Q16. How long will the merge process actually take on the day?

A16. Still trying to get a better feel for this but expect a few hours.

Q17. Are players going to have to do anything before the merge?

A17. A3 above and stop using the New Trade System at least 3 days before the
merge. **Addition - we will ask fleet leaders to remove any copied Radiomen from
Yo and Ne just before the merge and fleet leaders should empty any fleet account
on Yo and Ne back to the Fleet Leader account**

Q18. If I have a free account with 12 slots in my HQ, will I then have 24 slots after
the merge?

A18. No, you will still only have 12 slots on the merged server.

Q19. Do we need to empty the fleet accounts back to the fleet leader on Yamato
and Nelson
before the merge?

A19. Yes.

Q20. Are we planning on running any account merge events (different IDs) on
individual servers now or after the merge?

A20. No.

Q21. What does a fleet do if their fleet leader is absent and has been for some
time - can someone else get the radioman on the other server to get the fleet going

A21. Ideally, it should be the current fleet leader, but if the fleet leader does not
reappear until the server merge takes place, then we will provide a 'replacement'
fleet leader with a suitable radioman to reform the fleet. Liaision required with Vick.
However, if the original fleet leader returns at a later date we will not then facilitate
a further change to reverse this and that will be up to the fleets to work out.

Q22. Will all our credits & points be included ?

A22. Credits and Points from the servers being merged will be added together in to
combined server.

**8 Feb - Some edits and additions. Qs 18 and 19 answered. Q&A 20/21/22
**14 Feb - HA compensation figure updated.**

  • Re : **Server Merge Q&A**

    02. 12. 2011 02:09

The TeamNF roster is not finalised yet, but will be updated at the point of merging.

  • Re : **Server Merge Q&A**

    02. 11. 2011 17:15

what about the massive price differance between bis/nelson i have yet to actaully
be on bissy server but from what i hear sailors are on average 20mil+ for lvl 60s as
to where nelson 20mil will get you a pair of lvl 80 EBVE 130 vet full expert gunners
the price differance is... very off and i dont see it changing from the merge as it will
only spike demand there for most likely making prices higher so does this mean
nelson players are screwed when it comes to the credit balance or will we have
some sort of compensation to balance things out?

  • Re : **Server Merge Q&A**

    02. 11. 2011 15:11

plazma, thanks for confirming out about the premium armor and guns stuff... kinda lazy to
do like what u did... so now i got the answer... remove armor and guns odw... ;p

  • Re : **Server Merge Q&A**

    02. 11. 2011 14:44

Hey vick, who will be the Server Head of Nebby and Kaiser servers?

  • Re : **Server Merge Q&A**

    02. 11. 2011 14:23

Alright, so I finally got the Merged Test Server downloaded and installed. Just logged
into my account, and I have confirmed that all Premium Items have been combined correctly.
Also confirmed that every Premium/Event ship has been returned to the item list. It also
does appear that I was not compensated in credits for the armor, ammo, turrets, etc. that
were on each ship before being sent back to the item list.

Therefore, I strongly suggest that everyone that has Premium/Event ships manually remove
any armor, ammo, turrets, etc. from these ships before the Server Merges take place to
ensure that you gain the credits back from these items.

  • Re : **Server Merge Q&A**

    02. 11. 2011 11:15

plazma id take all armor and guns off just to be sure, if you have to question it,
protect yourself 1st dont speculate on what u think might or might not happen

  • Re : **Server Merge Q&A**

    02. 11. 2011 11:13

As far as the Premium ships and the armor and guns, I would remove the armor as it
can be a huge investment, and the Larger ship guns.

  • Re : **Server Merge Q&A**

    02. 11. 2011 09:41


I would love to set up the Test Server client to check for myself, but the fact that the
Download rate for it on this site is being restricted to around 60 kbps on my 12 Mbps
service is completely ridiculous. On other download sites I am able to download files with
a rate of at least 500 Kbps+, and I have no other programs or downloads running in the
background right now so please explain to me why the Download rate is limited on this site?

Also, regarding my questions, someone reported that their premium/event ships were placed
back on the item list, but they didn't state whether the armor, turrets, etc. were sold
back to the harbor and if they had received the credits for these. That is why I asked it
on here.

  • Re : **Server Merge Q&A**

    02. 11. 2011 00:26

Plazma if you could look to the Merge trial thread it should help with some of those
answers. Also, you it provides an opportunity to see what will happen with those
items in your own individual case if you have the Test Server client set up.

  • Re : **Server Merge Q&A**

    02. 10. 2011 15:57

Alright, so the Premium/Event ships that each player currently has is going to be placed
back onto the item list on the new "Merged" server correct?

Would that mean it would be most beneficial for each player to sell back any armor, ammo,
turrets, and FCS on each of their Premium/Event ships before the Merge happens to ensure
that they get the money back from these items?
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