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  • Fleets in Yamato and Iowa

    02. 09. 2011 07:32

Ok, now orginally I intended to make a post of the major fleets in YO and iowa server. But the
problem is I have no idea of iowa fleets except jedi and can't remember all of the main fleets in YO.
Someone with sufficient knowledge please either make a new post and compile them up or we can
just discuss the fleets here. =) and please.... no flames..... I just want to know what fleets are
there, thats all...

Now I'll start off with mine. Jokers


INTRODUCTION: Held 2 harbours before.

ok now please add your fleets and introduction and keep it as clean and simple as possible and
without any bias! thank you =D

  • Re : Fleets in Yamato and Iowa

    02. 11. 2011 08:14

Cavalry Squadron
Iowa Server

Bottom line for us is that we operate in game without the need for BS that seems to
accompany and define some of our fellow fleets. If that is of interest to you, feel
free to visit us at:

  • Re : Fleets in Yamato and Iowa

    02. 11. 2011 07:54

FLEET NAME: Wheelchair - Fleet
SERVER: Yamato
FLEET MASTER: thekeeler

INTRODUCTION: pwns you soon enough... you ll see.

  • Re : Fleets in Yamato and Iowa

    02. 11. 2011 07:13

Nice idea Battledummy!

Fleet Name: Golden Knights
Server: Iowa
Fleet Master: Norbert

Introduction: we are a group of friends who like competition, the camaraderie, and
the ambient is always nice, with humor and good intentions. Whe from almost all
from Argentina, and few players from other countrys of Latin America.
We play a few "friendly challenges" with other fleets like: C&C, Brasil Forever, ARA,
BAP, and Armada Mexico, and "Fleet Wars" (official) with Armada Chilena, we won all
the matches, and we r looking for more.

We make trainings all the weekends, play the "League", and support alied fleets
with players.

No more to add, cya on line!


Introduccion: somo un grupo de amigos que les gusta la competencia, la camaraderia
y el ambiente siempre es bueno, con humor y buenas intenciones. La mayoria somos
de Argentina, y algunos jugadores de otros paises Latinoamericanos.
Jugamos unos cuantos "desafios amistosos" con otras flotas como ser: C&C, Brasil
Forever, ARA, BAP y Armada Mexico, y "Fleet Wars" (oficiales) con Armada Chilena,
ganamos todos los enfrentamientos, y estamos buscando mas.

Hacemos entrenamientos todos los fin de semana, jugamos la "Liga", y dimos
soporte a flotas aliadas con jugadores.

Nada mas para agregar, nos vemos on line!

  • Re : Fleets in Yamato and Iowa

    02. 10. 2011 21:02

Yep, somethings don't change. Glad to see you can still prove your points.
Definitely the bigger man, lol.

  • Re : Fleets in Yamato and Iowa

    02. 10. 2011 15:02


  • Re : Fleets in Yamato and Iowa

    02. 10. 2011 14:38


Seven M .onths =/= One Year

  • Re : Fleets in Yamato and Iowa

    02. 10. 2011 14:17

First thing I've read on the forums in over a year.
Its clear to me that everyone flames much more now than ever. Mod favoritism for
the win

  • Re : Fleets in Yamato and Iowa

    02. 10. 2011 13:37

merged the two servers are bound to change the server name server name to get
mega lag. nf hope to receive a dollar on a large-capacity server machine.:^^...The
new server is the way all ports yamato fleet. 0.o

  • Re : Fleets in Yamato and Iowa

    02. 10. 2011 12:07

Fleet name: inactive fleet
Server: the one we play on
fleet master: nambla

Introduction: flamingpandor sucks

  • Re : Fleets in Yamato and Iowa

    02. 10. 2011 09:39

fleet: Northsea-Pirates
tag: GNP or NSP
sq: 4 full squads
leader: me, andy25
server IOWA
1 2 3 4