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  • Latest Official Server Merge Details

    02. 11. 2011 14:20

Dear Fans of Navy Field.

We have been receiving many reports of concerns about the upcoming server merge.
Here is an updated detailed list of information for the server merge that we hope
helps to minimize to your concerns. We will merge the servers with the latest data
available on the scheduled merge date, so you should not worry about losing your
work. Also, we are going to remove all of the inactive accounts that have not logged
into the game since January 1st of 2010. We will still be able to manually restore
them should they return in the future.

1) Iowa and Yamato servers will be merged and become Nebraska.
2) Bismarck and Nelson servers will be merged and become Kaiser.
3) The server merge process is planned to take place on the 16th of February at
21:30 ~ 17th of February 02:00 (PST). We apologize for the temporary loss of
playing time.

4) All User information will be merged (added).
5) All Item, Sailor, Ship information will be merged (added).
6) If there are two ships with the same name, both will be carried over, but once a
player changes a duplicated ship name, the player will no longer be able to change
back to the previously duplicated one.
7) The number of free H.Q slots will remain at 12.
8) If a player has more than 50 sailors total, the exceeding sailors will be stored in
H.Q. (If a player does not have sufficient H.Q pages, the sailors will be grayed out
and take-out only.)
9) The total ship limit in the shipyard will be increased from 15 to 25 in order to
make enough space for the upcoming nations.
10) If a player has more than 6(nation limit)/25(total limit) ships total, the additional
ships will be sold automatically. (If you don't want your ship to be sold, please check
your ship amount on both servers and sell or deposit the extra ships.)
11) No individual server transfers or mixed ID mergers until further notice. No
exception for this.
12) Players who are using the new trade system should remove any and all sale
items PRIOR to the merge (clear out by Feb. 16th at 21:30 PST). The new trade
system will be disabled and go live again on the 27th. All taxes for the trade system
will NOT be returned.

13) Iowa and Bismarck will retain all fleet information.
14) Yamato and Nelson will lose all fleet information.
15) For pre-existing fleets on Yamato and Nelson (created at least 1 month ago),
we will provide the following assistance in order to support reforming their fleet on
the merged server:
젨?A. Level 80 Radioman
젨?B. 15,000,000 credits
젨?C. 100,000 points
The support can be requested through a support ticket ONLY by the fleet leader (or
fleet managing account) BEFORE the merge takes place in order to give them a head
start on reforming their fleets.
16) All Harbor information will be reset.
17) Harbor Assault will be closed until February 27th (Sunday), and fleets will be
able to declare HA from February 28th (Monday).
18) Harbor investment credits will NOT be returned automatically, but we will do a
manual compensation for the loss. Additional details will be provided soon.
19) The fleet members don't have to rejoin the same fleet after the merge. If a
player wants to join another fleet, then the player is free do so.
20) There will be no fleet penalty for the accounts on servers that lose fleet data.
21) If the fleet leader doesn't show up, then fleet members can select one fleet
leader among them AFTER the merge and the player will be able to receive the
reforming support (to avoid confusion). However, we will not help in the event that
the original fleet leader reappears later on and wants to reform the fleet.

Premium items:
22) All premium items will be merged. For example, if someone has 2 H.Q items on
each server, then the player will have 4 H.Q items after the merge.
23) If an account has the same Premium ship on both servers, they will be both sold
automatically. Players will be able to receive 1(one) free ship from the item panel
after the merge.

Thank you.

  • Re : Latest Official Server Merge Details

    02. 14. 2011 17:15

Any news on the compensation for loooooooong time harbour owners?

  • Re : Latest Official Server Merge Details

    02. 14. 2011 03:39

All I have to say is, when the put up the thread to suggest new sever names (when they
were changed from Arizona, Missouri and New York), I suggested using the bb6 names which
no one even noticed, SDE you're about 1 year and a half behind me :D.

  • Re : Latest Official Server Merge Details

    02. 13. 2011 16:59

Yay, now my BB2 is completely useless because Iowa has nothing but BB6s. woot!

  • Re : Latest Official Server Merge Details

    02. 13. 2011 16:28

Prem Subscription is account based, not server based. You have the same period of +40%
exp, no matter which server you are on. Therefore the answer is: No change.

  • Re : Latest Official Server Merge Details

    02. 13. 2011 05:13

Will the prem subscription be affected after the merge

  • Re : Latest Official Server Merge Details

    02. 12. 2011 20:47

Now I know server names are not exactly that important but why choose 2 fictional ships. I
would have thought the names would have been chosen from ships that actually meant
something. Arizona, Enterprise, Hood, Prince of Whales, Bismark, Gneisenau, Yamato,
Shokoku for example would have been much more suitable names.

  • Re : Latest Official Server Merge Details

    02. 12. 2011 20:26

So this is it, by 2012 the survivors of Kaiser and Noobraska will get merge with the
players on Amagi and Queen Victoria servers...and maybe SDE goes bankrupt

We shall see

  • Re : Latest Official Server Merge Details

    02. 12. 2011 07:02

FYI guys...

Alright, so I finally got the Merged Test Server downloaded and installed. Just logged
into my account, and I have confirmed that all Premium Items have been combined correctly.
Also confirmed that every Premium/Event ship has been returned to the item list. It also
does appear that I was not compensated in credits for the armor, ammo, turrets, etc. that
were on each ship before being sent back to the item list.

Therefore, I strongly suggest that everyone that has Premium/Event ships manually remove
any armor, ammo, turrets, etc. from these ships before the Server Merges take place to
ensure that you gain the credits back from these items.

  • Re : Latest Official Server Merge Details

    02. 12. 2011 02:56

"did u mean we gonna loss all our prem items such as expert,vets. BO reset in items

The way I read it, no. They are merged. All prem items are merged. The only
exception is, as said above as well, the premium ships. If you happen to have 2 of
the same premium ship, 1 will be sold for ingame credits/points (see trainworld for
the values), and 1 will be placed in your Item storage. Then you can retrieve 1
premium ship through the Item storage the same way when you buy a new one
from the NF store.

  • Re : Latest Official Server Merge Details

    02. 11. 2011 23:30

did u mean we gonna loss all our prem items such as expert,vets. BO reset in items area
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