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  • Public Service - Guide To Server History

    02. 15. 2011 22:00


1.088 predates these forums; I would guess August of 2005, which also fits my personal
timeline as I returned to the game in early August and I recall the Vancouver server opening.

And here's the proof that I was there from the beginning of Iowa/Missouri/Yamato to the end:


  • Re : Public Service - Guide To Server History

    02. 16. 2011 16:59

To people from "The server" it never did seem like a different server, we never lost
any data. It's always been in the merges that the other server lost data. Its the You
joined us, not we joined you.

Just like now Yamato is lossing its fleet data, while we keep ours. You are joining us!

POW lost all there data in the merge.

  • Re : Public Service - Guide To Server History

    02. 16. 2011 16:22

I wonder what's next :D

Nice work

  • Re : Public Service - Guide To Server History

    02. 16. 2011 14:49

I zoned out staring at this, and it started looking like a fractal to me.

Nubbles touched upon the same thing, I think.

2 servers.
Population grows, servers fill up.
3rd server added.
Servers stay the same.
4th server added beyond reason.
Population stretched! Merge and rename.
2 servers.

  • Re : Public Service - Guide To Server History

    02. 16. 2011 13:52

Very interesting timeline Rehor. I could never remember exactly when I started
playing, but I figured it was around the time right before MO was "created". After
looking at this my memory was jogged and I do remember first playing on Iowa right
before the first Yamato was added. Actually kind of sad when I think how long I've
played this game. ;)


  • Re : Public Service - Guide To Server History

    02. 16. 2011 13:04

Well, as requested by nyer, I will continue the discussion about how MERGING a server
changes the server causing AZ to NOT be the original server. I just hope Barrett and Kings
aren't too thick-skulled and can find their way to this thread...

"Renaming a server doesn't make it any different, it is still the original server with a
new name for a press release, which is all SDE has done. "

I agree that renaming a server doesn't make it any different, BUT MERGING two servers into
one DOES change them.

Here's the scenario (and situation regarding the AZ server):

You have two servers, the "original" server which has been renamed to Bismarck, and the
new server which had been renamed to PoW. Now, Bismarck was full of the "original" players
from the original server, and PoW was full of new players because it was the new server.
WHEN Bismarck and PoW were merged into AZ, this created a NEW server because it was
comprised of a mix of BOTH original players AND new players.

Renaming servers DOES NOT change them I agree, BUT MERGING them does change them because
it mixes players of both servers together. So merging Bis and PoW into AZ created a NEW,
MIXED server. THEREFORE AZ =/ Original server...get it now?

It's the simple rule of combinations. When you combine two different items or substances,
it creates a new, different item or substance.

  • Re : Public Service - Guide To Server History

    02. 16. 2011 06:23

I started NF in the spring 2005 and, as I recall, the second server went up late May,
or June. I believe that it coincided with the move of the server from Korea to the
US. I certainly do not recall the patch number and my earliest remaining screenshot
is for 1.089 in September.

Perhaps that will jog someone else's memory a bit.

  • Re : Public Service - Guide To Server History

    02. 16. 2011 04:28

i had version 1.075 on : Thursday, May 19, 2005, 3:03:13 PM
i had version 1.090 on : Saturday, September 03, 2005, 1:03:37 PM

i had version 1.092 on: Thursday, October 06, 2005, 5:46:24 PM

it might help u narrow it down :P

  • Re : Public Service - Guide To Server History

    02. 16. 2011 03:25

@DJ ahh that explains, cause I remembered starting out in the PoW server, left a couple
years , came back and found my stoof on missouri.

  • Re : Public Service - Guide To Server History

    02. 16. 2011 02:13

"Vancouver -> Prince of Wales -> Missouri -> Yamato -> Nebraska

How did I end on Missouri?"

Restored accounts went straight to MO at the time, because Arizona was too crowded. That's
how we got here.

  • Re : Public Service - Guide To Server History

    02. 16. 2011 02:13

Lol, I forgot half of the server names already...

started in march 2005 on 'The Server'.... been here longer than I
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