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  • BB's on AZ/MO

    02. 18. 2011 14:45

Despite the large amount or 'my server is superior' that went on before Nebby
started, I don't think anyone could have expected the totally different playstyles that
the two servers are using. It has really brought something new to the game,
because we do play very differently.

Just a few observations on AZ:

1) H44's. Sweet jeezus. In most of the BB1-5's I've played 60%+ AZ players have
been in an H44. On MO, there were nearly always less H44's than L2's or Monty's.
I've personally found this rather challenging. Being outranged along the whole line is
a tricky situation.

2) Caution. You guys are super duper cautious compared to MO even in GB's. It's
great IMO. On MO, it was L2 AW rush ftw, every game south. Yet to see much of that
over here on Nebby server.

3) Less Gamewinning Players. MO GB's inparticlar were very often won by one strong
player (BB5) pushing through N or S. The games we are playing atm seem battles of
attrition, than the quick deciders.

Quickly on CV's: I feel less blind than before. I'm a CV noob so that's all I'm saying.

What do you AZ players think of us MO. Try to keep the flaming down just so we
don't get insta-locked...

  • Re : BB's on AZ/MO

    02. 22. 2011 11:20

Tbh, T5 scouts are ruining fleet league, they cant be shot down by fighters if controlled
and can sit outside AA range.

  • Re : BB's on AZ/MO

    02. 22. 2011 11:12

- Speed
- Sight range
- Planespace
- Durability

  • Re : BB's on AZ/MO

    02. 22. 2011 11:01

"Bottom line: The attack power of the T5 scouts needs a nerf."

I'd be more worried about the speed and sight range. With a good enough pilot you will
find scouts/bombers can shoot down other planes no matter what that scout/bomber's attack
stat is.

  • Re : BB's on AZ/MO

    02. 22. 2011 10:24

If u didnt realize by now, 99% of what sindher says is just to piss u off......

  • Re : BB's on AZ/MO

    02. 22. 2011 10:20

*PS: Has anyone launched a wave of two scouts and gone hunting yet? *

Done that to Cracko's MN BW and he was not impressed, I emptied his CV >)

  • Re : BB's on AZ/MO

    02. 22. 2011 10:17

Well, I guess I'll have to boost and put crew on my 120 scout. Not to hunt other scouts,
just so he becomes a bit more resilient. And AAW immunity would also be nice. However,
even with good scout management, and if I may say so, mines not the worst, I lose my IJN
T4 scouts quite easily to some who hunts them on purpose with 120s.

Bottom line: The attack power of the T5 scouts needs a nerf.

PS: Has anyone launched a wave of two scouts and gone hunting yet?

  • Re : BB's on AZ/MO

    02. 22. 2011 09:40

While I do utilize the 120 scouts myself, they are imba. I kill scouts quite a lot in these bb rooms despite
usally being in LionII(speaking of imba).

Anyways, I find I pull scouts more often than not into my AAW or panda's AA. If I shoot your scout down with
my 120 it is purely by chance... unless you are principes, then I'll do it all the time.

  • Re : BB's on AZ/MO

    02. 22. 2011 09:11

"Pre-Nerf PBB
/Gay and imba sums it up nicely."

I would agree with that. Ungentlemanly makes it sound silly as though proper
gentleman wouldn't lower themselves to shooting down an enemy's scout with a
powerful plane.

That's BS. I want to win the game. I'll do anything short of intentionally hacking or
exploiting to sink someone else.

(That has included asking them a question to get them typing right before I rush

I don't use them at all, but if they are out of balance (and it looks like I would agree
given the opinions of those in this thread that I respect), then they should be fixed.

Perhaps it is just the way the original statement was worded. My poor scout was
downed in a BB room and I had to be blind. *kicks dirt*

  • Re : BB's on AZ/MO

    02. 22. 2011 09:07

Dampre banned me from his rooms AZ has the worst TNF EVER!

  • Re : BB's on AZ/MO

    02. 22. 2011 09:02

"I dont go to a BB room to die blind or shoot at the blind

Well, I mean...I play them because I can get attack and I enjoy the game play more
than GB2s over and over.

However, I'm not going to cut the enemy a break by leaving their scout in the air.
Forget them.
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