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  • Nebraska CV Wars

    02. 23. 2011 09:21

We do love CV's here on Nebraska!


  • Re : Nebraska CV Wars

    02. 23. 2011 18:16

Ha ha ha. That's the best part Minted Cow. I have. They are ABing.

  • Re : Nebraska CV Wars

    02. 23. 2011 18:14

Go exploit more mintedcow

  • Re : Nebraska CV Wars

    02. 23. 2011 18:14

If someone gets close... he gets my shells... if he wants to AB, he can do it far away
from my ship.

I just played a couple and the amount of CVs with guns is far grater than normal... so I
would not worry too much about AB battles.

  • Re : Nebraska CV Wars

    02. 23. 2011 18:13

ap, if you left your room and actually tried a CV room, you'd see that people are in
fact using guns and shooting each other, shooting down planes, launching bombers
and successfully getting them around fighter groups and bombing other CV's.

stop sitting there pouting and actually play

  • Re : Nebraska CV Wars

    02. 23. 2011 18:05

No Clemo. That is not the point. The point is what happens in these CV rooms. I do not
care that the game modes are played at all. What I care about is the huge fucking AB fest
where no one shoots each other for the 25 minutes of the game and instead just spam
fighters thereby exploiting the credit event.

  • Re : Nebraska CV Wars

    02. 23. 2011 18:01

*So what is the point of NavyField then? Please someone with brains explain to me. *

As I said to you in your defiant room:

Credit event: People logically choose the game mode that gives the best Credits, which in
this case is CV rooms.

Experience event: People logically choose the game mode that gives the best EXP, which in
this case is GBII.

Simple logic is simple. . .

Also, before you say ''thats not the point'' as you did in your defiant room. . it IS the
point, if CV room usage is AB/an exploit during credit events surely GBII room usage is
AB/an exploit during experience events?

  • Re : Nebraska CV Wars

    02. 23. 2011 17:49

So what is the point of NavyField then? Please someone with brains explain to me.

  • Re : Nebraska CV Wars

    02. 23. 2011 16:30

gee its to bad the awesomeness of hackshield can't prevent an obvious exploit .....

  • Re : Nebraska CV Wars

    02. 23. 2011 15:46

Its not really surprising that there are so many CV rooms given that there is only a
credit event on atm.

When the XP event also kicks in I have a feeling it will iron itself out to a degree as
people will actually have to choose between leveling their BB(s) or making credits,
but since currently the only choice is between making piles of cash or doing a great
tardfest 2 people are just making a logical (if unpopular) decision.

As for the AB comments, Ive played a handful of CV selects so far and I think "AB" is
a bit of a stretch, and the term is being thrown around pretty liberally. Its true that
there is a lot of fighter on fighter action going on in the beginning at least (since
good luck getting a bomber group through 10 cvs worth of fighters in the first 2
mins), but I have seen at least an effort by many people to bomb/gun the enemy cvs.
At the very least whatever team ends up losing the air fight ends up getting
cornered and deck gunned to death in the corner. What I haven't seen (with maybe
a few rare exceptions) is any sort of effort to actually avoid damaging the enemy to
rack up as many credits as possible which is what would constitute an "AB" in my

My 2 cents anyway.

  • Re : Nebraska CV Wars

    02. 23. 2011 14:50

The reason that FW are not allowed in the CV Shared Exp Rooms is because having No Bombers
is auto-ABing because you have no direct way of sinking the enemy CVs with a Fighter-Only
set up.

(I don't think they include guns as a viable option because most CV4 and below can't carry
enough ammo/big enough guns to sink enemy CVs, especially if they carry enough belt/deck
armor to bounce shells that are 8" or anything lower).
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