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  • Nebraska- current server has reached full capacity

    02. 26. 2011 11:45

.... well i guess TNF got what they wanted with the server merge... too bad i cant get in and PLAY for
the event...

guess im gona try again in a few minutes...

  • Re : Nebraska- current server has reached full capacity

    02. 26. 2011 16:11

I figured this might happen Andy.

I kicked you because you were afk. I sat in your room for a full 5 minutes waiting for a
response because I wanted to make absolutely sure that you were AFK.

I clearly stated my reason for kicking you on the screen so it could be seen when you came
back to your computer. I even went the extra length to apologize that I had to do it due
to the server being at full capacity.

Simple explanation - You were AFK; AFK players were being kicked to make room for players
trying to log in.

  • Re : Nebraska- current server has reached full capacity

    02. 26. 2011 15:57

Hope for your health's sake andy, your house isnt water tight otherwise the last few days
have produced enough tears to drown you many times over.

Yes people need to get back into fleets and squads, but whats better, let people who want
to play actually play, or let them sit at the login screen whilst you sit there doing
nothing to not-alot taking up server space.

Yes the server needs more capacity and I expect that they will incease once they get the
time and figures of activity.

If they let 30000 people all onto the server, people moan, "Too much lag cant play" and
other QQ threads. If they dont increase it enough, you get people QQing over how they have
been kicked for being afk.

SDE have clearly shown they are willing to move in the right direction, dont expect
everything at once, we have seen countless number of times when they rush decisions, and
look where thats got us.


QQ more andy.

  • Re : Nebraska- current server has reached full capacity

    02. 26. 2011 15:43

server limit was 800 several years ago.
Did they change it?

  • Re : Nebraska- current server has reached full capacity

    02. 26. 2011 15:37

how many AFK or s-afk players?

i was afk in A-14 for maybe 20 or 25 minutes and got kicked. and some others are in
clan-area and are chating with others, or tying to get players back into the
fleet...they dont play, just doing a job as leader or a part of the leaders..(like me)
and getting kicked out of the game.
chat protocol deleted and no way to find out what was written by single players.
i didnt knew how many are online, or how hight the capacity are of that server. (we
still dont have any infos shown in the game)

is that a crime? i thought the clanarea is for clans, to be afk...and i am pretty sure
that it wasnt a big amount of afk ppl. Trade-area ok..isnt very important. but the
clanarea is important!!!
btw..the serverlimit is only 3000 players..and with 20 or mabye 50 afk players, isnt
big deal i think. and much less in clan-area.

the funny thing is, we have gotten our server merge..but not more space for
players. what will tehy do when we do have real events?
kicking players who are new and not good enough..just to let the elite play?

thx for the kick..that woke me up and shows me, how u handle the real working
community. thx alot..thx...

  • Re : Nebraska- current server has reached full capacity

    02. 26. 2011 14:46

Best course of action is to kick AFKers, traders have the trading systems whereas fleets
have they website and clan sign up thingy on this site.

It sounded as if SDE is considering expanding the capacity of the servers, which seems
quite appropriated.

Also, AFKers, keep in mind you are hurting the server just by sitting idle in it... if a new
server is open, well, rest assured it was your fault.

  • Re : Nebraska- current server has reached full capacity

    02. 26. 2011 14:40

Dont forget those were BB games and GB1s. Most of those GB1s were starting with 14-24
people while GB2s take twice that ammount to start.

  • Re : Nebraska- current server has reached full capacity

    02. 26. 2011 14:26

This server is NOWHERE near the amount of players we had online during events 2 years ago.

We had Areas 7 AND 12 full of 20+ players and they can't handle a 3/4 full area 12?

Smells like bull**** to me. Perhaps SDE can go ahead and post the activity figures for
the servers over the past 3 years so we can ratify the fact that the servers are in fact

Seems to me like SDE is just trying to avoid criticism of themselves by trying to shift
the focus away from the fact the servers are crap to the players who wanted the merge.
Very nice deflection, very nice.

  • Re : Nebraska- current server has reached full capacity

    02. 26. 2011 12:56

At least they fixed the full capacity notification.

Now when you try and log in and it's full, the game just crashes to desktop.

  • Re : Nebraska- current server has reached full capacity

    02. 26. 2011 12:51

Hurry hide the topic before yuno get a new server idea :D . But like v2 says i would
rather have it like this, than emty servers. WTS One nebby (EDIT) server space.

  • Re : Nebraska- current server has reached full capacity

    02. 26. 2011 12:43

"For Pete's sake...DON'T open a new server...EXPAND the current servers."

That would be the smart thing to do, which is why they won't do it.
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