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  • Soviet Ships

    02. 28. 2011 22:20

This may get no response, I may be told that I'm a noob for asking this, but is there
any date estimate or exact date for the release of the Soviet Ships? I have been
waiting patiently and know that there have been some Sprite issues and that the
ship tree might get fudged and what not. But I ask because I have a Neutral crew in
the wings and I am debating making them my third crew, be it 2nd USN or another
nationality. Hopefully someone will respond.


  • Re : Soviet Ships

    03. 01. 2011 22:40


Agreed, I'd wait until SN is released before complaining about them; now that I've
played on the RU server with SDE's balance of SN (and NFNAish other nations), they
seem to be much more balanced than the hard facts and theory we are getting from the
test server.

  • Re : Soviet Ships

    03. 01. 2011 22:15

lol funny how some people get crazy about SN range and power, and never mention
their speed, turning force, hit box, etc..

  • Re : Soviet Ships

    03. 01. 2011 20:53

wow km users are totally fucked up, more if possible......good job $de, officially you
guys suck.

  • Re : Soviet Ships

    03. 01. 2011 17:57

The only reason why I asked is because I want to know what to do with my neutral
crew I just finished raising. I want an Iowa class eventually and so I want to send
my next crew down the Northampton line, but I don't want to waste this neutral
crew if the Soviets are coming out in the next week or so. Thats really why I asked.
And IMO, all the Soviet ships look cool, because of this I will raise enough crews to
use all of them.

  • Re : Soviet Ships

    03. 01. 2011 17:20

SN PBB got nerfed, don't have to worry about that.

  • Re : Soviet Ships

    03. 01. 2011 16:33

"Please tell me that the SN PBB has tesla coils. "

Woot! I'm not the only one who remembers Command & Conquer!

Seems like we got a hybrid UK / KM nation.... So KM got even more nerfed now? They need
to stop hating on KM and buff them... >.<

  • Re : Soviet Ships

    03. 01. 2011 15:50

"Expect some overpower ship and some f****d up ship."

Please tell me that the SN PBB has tesla coils.

  • Re : Soviet Ships

    03. 01. 2011 13:55

With the information I've heard, it sounds like they're making another "Uber Nation".
Rapid fire AA, long range, high damage, teleportation technology, etc.... You might as
well make some ajustments to the older nations while your at it.

  • Re : Soviet Ships

    03. 01. 2011 13:09

That is after "balancing" Justbt...

  • Re : Soviet Ships

    03. 01. 2011 12:23

GREAT! it's richard. =D thank you for testing SN for us! and noticing the facts you
stated, i am certainly sure they are going to balance SN.......hopefully.....
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