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  • 12' deck qv and 5mins OH

    03. 03. 2011 03:41

since i dont know how to post pics on this forum so here's the link:

  • Re : 12' deck qv and 5mins OH

    03. 04. 2011 12:09


  • Re : 12' deck qv and 5mins OH

    03. 04. 2011 07:50

"12" can bounce L2 at max angle & super yammy at 44 degrees, so this setup is a
bit different than the average 11" deck QV."

Erm, do you have a fraps of that? 12" of UK armour hasn't bounced 18" UK L2
shells last time I checked. Unless QV armour is different (and with the tests I have
done, it isn't). Besides, those are BB5's, you shouldn't be letting them get in range

  • Re : 12' deck qv and 5mins OH

    03. 04. 2011 06:30

12" can bounce L2 at max angle & super yammy at 44 degrees, so this setup is a bit
different than the average 11" deck QV.

  • Re : 12' deck qv and 5mins OH

    03. 04. 2011 04:31

True, but 12" hardly does that ;) You need 13" or more to really start abusing that.

  • Re : 12' deck qv and 5mins OH

    03. 04. 2011 02:25

What makes this setup unique? Im kinda lost o.o,

  • Re : 12' deck qv and 5mins OH

    03. 03. 2011 19:54

;) Problem is whenever you are in those tiny little boat, and you see big ship makes
mistake. You have an urge to rush and roflstomp them, then the AP shell is useless for
those little weakling.

But yea, sucks to be a qv in bb6 line fight JAJAJA

  • Re : 12' deck qv and 5mins OH

    03. 03. 2011 19:09

Thing is richard; Amagi or Nebraska won't bounce for a while (both have amazing armour
penetration), and any good player will have dealt with the QV before it gets into the
immune zone.

  • Re : 12' deck qv and 5mins OH

    03. 03. 2011 14:01

I wonder if my 6 engies/2 repair and 2 aa with acceptable base have already reach the
repair cap hmm.....

But his set up really piss me off, because it bounce some low caliber AP at max angle.
And his immunity zone is unbelievable easy to fall in.

  • Re : 12' deck qv and 5mins OH

    03. 03. 2011 12:36

I suck with AW ships, prefer speed.
You mean you hit the repair cap with that setup ?

  • Re : 12' deck qv and 5mins OH

    03. 03. 2011 08:37

Yet that 12" of deck doesn't bounce Nebraska or Amagi. No change in

37 knot QV armoured with enough to bounce Kaiser and QV, as well as having the
repair cap and 6/7 minutes of OH time is hilarious.

That said, I like how you think outside the box with regards to crews. This would be
interesting on a L2 to be able to bounce Montana Shells.
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