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  • Do Nelson users have the right to play the game?

    10. 30. 2005 10:45

Yesterday, when i played the game, i saw a BB room capped at lvl74, I entered and
found the host was crach64.

Then this guy said "y do u come in" and banned me. I entered again and told him i
would not play in his room, but plz tell me y can't i play. He said, this is a low bb
room, and u r a nelson, after this, i was banned again, even no time to say
something more.

Here is the problem, firstly, i couldn't find any words such as no nelson, no hanlei or
no quad in the room's name. if no nelson or no hanlei, ok, i know what does that
mean, if no quad, i think if i don't use 14" quad but rp12 in my nelson, i still can play
in this room. But u didn't say that, y can't i play? Secondly, the host said, this is a
low bb room, what does the low bb mean? Nelson is a lvl 70 bb, and the same as
Newmexico1945, i saw at least 2 NM in that room, if they could stay, y can't a

The nelson route is very hard to lvl up till nelson. when we used the 6-gun repulse,
we were almost food, every1 liked us, becoz we gave u huge exps, then after hard
work we had nelson, we were banned, is it fair. if every1 think that's fair, ok, then
brit user will ban german 11" for range, us players will ban jap bb for having 12 guns
and fast reload time, the only game we can play is " brit bb battle" "German vs

By the way, crash64, if u and other ppl acknowledge u r coward or noob, i promise i
will never join ur room, becoz i think i can use my repulse sink ur ship easily, and ppl
who can sink u will be banned, then how can i join ur room? lol


  • Re : Do Nelson users have the right to play the game?

    10. 31. 2005 08:13

i just see 2 things in this case

1~~the host set the random lvl and ban the ships he/she dun like

2~~the host dunno nelson is lvl70 and back to the rule 1...ban becox he dun like

actually~~for low lvl BB/BC~~better set the lvl at 68~~after lvl68~~US can run 16"
~nelson etc maybe will give u a bad dream and red xp~~~but if host wanna
bitching a game with his own lvl...we can't say much thing~~right?

  • Re : Do Nelson users have the right to play the game?

    10. 31. 2005 08:04

Fact is, if you don't want a certain ship in the game you make sure its in the GAME
TITLE. You can at 70 - than Nelsons should be able to join.

An easy way to counter the Nelson is with an O Project with tons of AP.

Re: Willard

Stop with the threats already. If you have those screenshots go ahead and post
them. If you want to some people complaining to hurt their reputation over the
internet because it gets you off, then by all means do so. It won't phaze me and I
sure know that it won't phaze Velius.

Your comments where off topic and they strayed from a simple fix to this key issue.
You want to cap high level players out - then do so. Don't cap ships without giving
fair notice - cap levels. People may hate you for it but at least they don't argue with
you while you ban them over and over. Every nation has its own advantages and
weaknesses as new ships become availiable. Granted that some ships have no
weaknesses, but this normally occours when the ship before hand are garbage. If
you want to cap certain ships you should at least have a title that states "no
Nelson" etc.

  • Re : Do Nelson users have the right to play the game?

    10. 31. 2005 07:51

actually, i always play in all welcome, but feel not good to rape dd cl ca in 1 salvo, i
can understand their feeling, waited for 5-10 minutes then be sunk in 1 salvo, also
because i use a bb, they use small ships, this is unfair. But normally there r only 2 or
3 bbs in each allwelcome, i have to sink small ships 4 gain exp and credits. this is the
reason y i hope join only bb game.

Nelson is not as good as u guys thought in bb game though it is good in all welcom,
firstly, it doesn't have a scout. Secondly,because of the shortest range, i have to
rush to a bb, at that time, other bbs beside him can have enough time and
opportunities to sink nelson.

  • Re : Do Nelson users have the right to play the game?

    10. 31. 2005 06:44

You've chosen a completely unbalanced ship for the purpose of completely owning
everyone else with little regard to skill and/or any other factors. You want to gain
access to the room so you can use everyone else as food for your own leveling

If people can't balance against your ship... guess what, your ship leaves.

  • Re : Do Nelson users have the right to play the game?

    10. 31. 2005 06:29

Sometimes I've been banned for using my Sirius. Nothing in the room name, just a
blunt "No Sirius" and then I get whacked from the room. Absolutely moronic.
Happens to lower-level players as well... :(

  • Re : Do Nelson users have the right to play the game?

    10. 31. 2005 03:52

@enywhoo: How many times does he need to say it? BECAUSE SOME SHIPS ARE
UNBALANCED FOR THEIR LEVEL. Jeez, some people are dense.

Please dont make me start posting screenshots I've been saving from when
Carmelo and Velius are bitching about how bad they got it and why we cap them
out. I got about half a dozen screens of the scoreboards with them with 80k attack
and everyone else with less than 10k or even zero. Thats why we cap them. Thats
why we dont let the unbalanced ships in. Because we would like to get some xp and
credits too.

  • Re : Do Nelson users have the right to play the game?

    10. 31. 2005 03:38

So the point is: Kick everyone higher lvl then u or kick everyone who outdamage,
outrange u?

  • Re : Do Nelson users have the right to play the game?

    10. 31. 2005 00:41

Don't forget about the I hate high angle whores....

  • Re : Do Nelson users have the right to play the game?

    10. 30. 2005 22:32

Did somebody delete one of my posts in this thread?

  • Re : Do Nelson users have the right to play the game?

    10. 30. 2005 22:27

why is Nelson so good? it can blockshot i know but does it have any special guns?
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