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  • nuff said

    11. 01. 2005 16:38


willing to negotiate for bounty on this dudes head. tell me what you gonna do to him
in game and we can work out a nice juicy price.

minimum bounty i put out is 100k

  • Re : nuff said

    11. 01. 2005 18:57

and as for the calling black people the n word part. it depends on how you intend it.

if i call my friends that they wont care. if i call my friends that when we have an arguement they
would probably kill me

some of my clanmates joke around and call me a chink and i let it slide. but when people are
directing this in battle as a hate insult, its different

  • Re : nuff said

    11. 01. 2005 18:55

the only reason i ddnt have a screenie of the next one was cuz i use print screen button

and right when i took it and was about to type in im gonna report you, he typed it. i decided
since this screenie offends me more cuz the other one was just ignorant i decided not to
overwrite my other one.

you dont believe me? i dont care. comming from a native person living on their own lands i
could care less what you think of his comments.

i am yellow (skin color race w.e) and yes, my great grandfather was once an opium addict due
to those RN punks. you will never know how i feel when people call me yelllow pig.

trust me i would care less if i werent asian

  • Re : nuff said

    11. 01. 2005 18:54

because ppl stereotype chinese with having noses like that, thats why its done or

  • Re : nuff said

    11. 01. 2005 18:52

It's only as racist as you see it. Hell, people say n*gg* all the time over here, and
nobody really cares.

  • Re : nuff said

    11. 01. 2005 18:51

Normally people i know who impersonate pigs push their nose up because pigs have
snouts. I haven't seen anyone impersonating a pig to tease asians...

  • Re : nuff said

    11. 01. 2005 18:50

has anyone seen some one do an impression of a pig, when they pull up their nose,
pull back their eyes. usually its an impression of an asian, of racist intent or to make
fun of.

  • Re : nuff said

    11. 01. 2005 18:45

I'm with kevin and bobby on this (and l231d so you don't feel left out :P). He
probably means yellow cos you're running away. As for the pig bit, pigs has always
been an insult cos of the way they live.

If he actually did say the other bit about yellow people always running unlike us
americans, then its very different, and i agree with you then mix.

  • Re : nuff said

    11. 01. 2005 18:39

but yellow pig, thats not what u would call a coward, yellow bellied i could live with
but yellow pig,

  • Re : nuff said

    11. 01. 2005 18:24

The term yellow is used often to express someone acting cowardly, not necessarily a race
of people. Just read the definition of yellow:

You'll see that yellow is slang for cowardice. Why were you retreating? You had torps
left? I can see why he got mad. Retreaters waste time and are annoying.

  • Re : nuff said

    11. 01. 2005 18:19

"after he said that he said you yellow people always run and cant fight like us

screenshot buddy... no proof without it...

"according to you bobby maybe next time you see someone being obidience in game
maybe you should call the the N word since it associates itself with slaves? sounds
justify in your reasoning dosnt it?"

... thats not what bobby said.... read it again...

people associate the word yellow with cowardly... you were running hence you were being
cowardly... thus your yellow

there is no racism in what bobby said...
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