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  • Command and Conquer 3

    05. 25. 2006 22:25

well im a big command and conquer fan and so far they release a teaser trailer at E3 +
they showed some in game picture's of their new release to the tiberium story Command and
Conquer 3 tiberium wars

anyways so who here is ganna get it when it comes out cause i know i will, but i shall
still play NF

  • Re : Command and Conquer 3

    05. 27. 2006 15:26

Dune roxxored!

and you could only select one unit at a time if i remember it right. hehe

  • Re : Command and Conquer 3

    05. 27. 2006 14:59

Westwood can do no wrong when it comes to the RTS genre. RTS IS Westwood's
genre..It started way back with Dune: The Battle for Arrakis--which is still my favorite

Dune: TBfA > *** ^_^

  • Re : Command and Conquer 3

    05. 27. 2006 14:41

i fort generals were ok! but ya RA2 was wkd! but ive never played any of the tiberians...
so they ae good?

  • Re : Command and Conquer 3

    05. 27. 2006 14:28

1.Story line
2. Style of game play people dont like it but i do cause its much easier to build units
rather than in RA2 and C&C tiberium sun

3. EA made it not Westwood

  • Re : Command and Conquer 3

    05. 27. 2006 00:51

Generals wasnt that bad..but after all its the only C&C game I played besides RA2.
So...can any1 tell me how EA screwed up generals?

  • Re : Command and Conquer 3

    05. 27. 2006 00:48

i hope they dont screw this one up

  • Re : Command and Conquer 3

    05. 27. 2006 00:44

Peewee rush!!!11111111111!!!.

  • Re : Command and Conquer 3

    05. 27. 2006 00:23

Total Anihillation looks better.

  • Re : Command and Conquer 3

    05. 26. 2006 23:49

i loved red alert1 and 2 plus the aftermath for #1 also tiberium sun, the first C&C
was a little tough right in the middle of the campagnes plus there wasent a skirmish
mode. but there was online play but ppl were really cheap players. after a while i
got bored of no.1 then i pirited tiberium sun i didnt play red alert 2 as much cuz i lost
the disk then my comp crashed. i never played the Generals cuz it didnt look
interesting. now C&C 3 is coming out im so going to bribe my bro to buy it for me,lol.

  • Re : Command and Conquer 3

    05. 26. 2006 20:01

dont worry i wont disapper cause im still ganna grind in NF to my iowa while leveling my
neut to the europa :) but yea basic time line how story is

Red alert 1 + expansion packs either go to C&C or C&C red alert 2

C&C--->C&C tiberium sun+firestorm-----> renegade

C&C RA2-----> C&C RA2 yuri's revenge

then the big disappointment
C&C General's--------> C&C General's Zero Hour
only reason alot still play general's is the graphics and style of game play
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