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  • The ability to upgrade/downgrade AAMGs

    10. 22. 2005 22:31

I'm just interested in the ability to upgrade or downgrade your AAMGs (anti-aircraft machine guns) capabilities also known as the default AAW for each ship...) it doesn't have to make a dramatic difference, I just think that you should be able to pay to upgrade your AAW for your ship maybe once or twice, like you would w/ a remodel (w/ weight restrictions applied offcourse)

  • Re : The ability to upgrade/downgrade AAMGs

    10. 29. 2005 00:21

sounds good 2 me...since im a bomber would help me out alot

  • Re : The ability to upgrade/downgrade AAMGs

    10. 28. 2005 23:55

I had a nice post made out with this suggestion on old forums a long time ago.

Had to do with 3 tiers or AAW to add and with it being added like armor is, it takes
up DP and requires a certain cost, it also has a ship limitation, (like torpedo/plane
space) as to max you can add, for example a AAW Emplacement space.

Now this is just off top of me head but..

US had Twin .50 cal/20mm/40mm Bofors upgrades
Brit had Quad .30cal Vickers/20mm/40mm Bofors
Jap 20mm/25mm/40mm Bofors
German Verling/Flak 38/40mm Bofors

Just some standard AA emplacements I took and they could be set up in a 3 tier set
up, higher the tier of gun, higher the cost, more weight but more AAW added.

Cant remember entirety of it all, but that was the gist of my idea.

  • Re : The ability to upgrade/downgrade AAMGs

    10. 28. 2005 22:15


  • Re : The ability to upgrade/downgrade AAMGs

    10. 24. 2005 21:37

I agree, much like in WWII the Americans, that wher getting pounded buy Kamakazie planes changed there fleet DEF. tactics for exampel: devlopment of better early warining radar, interlocking AA gun rings, and most inportantly constantly upgradeing ACK-ACK guns

just saw this on the history channel tonight.

  • Re : The ability to upgrade/downgrade AAMGs

    10. 24. 2005 09:11

NICE! Thanks!

  • Re : The ability to upgrade/downgrade AAMGs

    10. 24. 2005 05:38

Good idea. I shall talk about it with teamNF.

babs out!

  • Re : The ability to upgrade/downgrade AAMGs

    10. 23. 2005 23:53


  • Re : The ability to upgrade/downgrade AAMGs

    10. 23. 2005 17:45

AAW ability do matter, just not that much unless there is a big lv. difference.

However, if you have some lv45, no expert DB, you'll understand why some CV do not try bombing goldbar baltimores..... No similar threat exists for other nation's ship except double gold....

  • Re : The ability to upgrade/downgrade AAMGs

    10. 23. 2005 00:54

i could see an effect with AAW gunners when SOS was still around.... it's just that it takes high-level crew to make much of a difference in anything, and AAW ratings don't matter anyway.

  • Re : The ability to upgrade/downgrade AAMGs

    10. 22. 2005 22:57

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