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  • Smaller HA's

    12. 29. 2009 19:12

Ok, so here is the idea. In WW2, there were many important naval ports, and bases
that were not just major nation based. Lybia, Midway, Phillipines, etc. What i am
suggesting is the addition of more harbor assaults, but on a smaller scale than the
present ones. Perhaps even on a differant day.
Let's say it is a 1 hour assault. 1/2 the number of tiles, with a 20 ship per team limit,
4 cv limit. We could add like 8 ports with historical significance for this. There are
plenty to chose from. Midway is an excellent example, as if it would have been taken
by the japanese, it could have been a major invasion launching point for them. The
same goes for the phillipines. etc.
These could be on a sunday, and a 2 port limit of ownership per fleet. Even perhaps
just 1 to give a lot more fleets the option of owning one.

  • Re : Smaller HA's

    12. 29. 2009 21:58

There should be a benefit for the fleet that owns one, and size/number should be chosen to
hopefully minimize lag. Other than this needing to be worked out more (see my above
criticisms), I like it.
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