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  • New Ships for APA Line

    11. 22. 2010 05:05

It seems like APA line is really difficult to use or enjoy as the ship is a dead end only
useful for HA. Perhaps if the line continued with some variety you would see more people
using it. I think it would be useful to add 2 new ship classes after APA. Not sure what
level to make them, but a Mine Sweeper(MS) class, that can detect and destroy mines, then
a Mine Layer (ML) class ship, which could carry a bunch of mines, would be pretty cool.
Both class of ships would have light DD guns for self defense. These ships would also
have uses in the main part of the game and would add a new dimension to the regular
battles. Basically, the idea is to make the APA line more useful and stop it from tying
up a Bridge Operator on a very specialized ship line useful only in HA.

  • Re : New Ships for APA Line

    11. 22. 2010 17:06

it's already implimented, it's called Pluton and FF

  • Re : New Ships for APA Line

    11. 22. 2010 15:48

and they should go 70 knots and be extra slim and fire torpedoes and have depth
charges firing out the back with sonar

oh baby please