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  • CV's capacity.

    12. 07. 2010 17:14

The CV's should be able to launch the planes that they can prepare and prepare more
for them can throw when they are in the air, receiving the command to return to the
ship. Thus the CV need not wait for all the planes back then launch those already
I believe that would not have problems with the game since returning to the command
ship, when executed, would automatically pass to the command of the ship, also
releasing the track to the supplied.
What do you think about it?

Thank you all.

  • Re : CV's capacity.

    12. 16. 2010 19:37

Hes talking about having the planes already loaded for the pilots already in the air so
that when the last plane from that pilot lands he can send up that same pilot again instantly

If thats what im getting its a balance issue, meaning a cv can launch and launch with out
a reload time. Its unfair cvs need a reload time just like a BB. CV's already have the
advantage of being able to hit a target with little danger to them selvs

  • Re : CV's capacity.

    12. 16. 2010 18:06

The idea has been posted for expanded. Thank you all for participate of this. And for
you that don't undestand, just only you can't, the others talk in about this idea.
However, thank you for your participation.

Thank you all.


  • Re : CV's capacity.

    12. 12. 2010 01:12

I love the thought of it. But cv's have been screwed up from the time they were
designed. It SHOULD have been this way. However if the game suddenly changed to
being this way then people with 8 fighter cv's would be pissed off.

The level of the pilot should affect the load speed. Therefore eliminating the need of so
many pilots.

I really love the idea Donkruger, but it's too little too late.

  • Re : CV's capacity.

    12. 11. 2010 20:17

dude, use google translator..because i don't get what you are saying -_-' srry

  • Re : CV's capacity.

    12. 11. 2010 17:25

What?... now I don't get it.... Can't that still be done by having 2 or more pilots? I
believe it is

  • Re : CV's capacity.

    12. 11. 2010 12:05

Guys, it seems there was a misunderstanding in that said about the ability of CVs.
What I mean is that when we launched the aircraft to certain tasks or type torpedo
bomber, the return to the ship, normally the operator already placed more planes on
standby to come out.
So, when given the command to return to the ship, type ran out of fuel, or the mission
itself or complete when the operator ordering, the aircraft automatically return, but the
ship has the capacity to replenish new aircraft pending the return of others. So
expedite operations because, as the sailor pilot which is in the comic is a coordinator of
such operations, he others may be readying yes.

Thank you all.

  • Re : CV's capacity.

    12. 08. 2010 19:38

6 fighters allows you to constantly have planes in the air, as soon as one runs out of
fuel, another takes off, then the next pair start fueling up, and so on.

unless your BWing you dont need more that 2 bombers, with the -30% load time buff
you can send those in between fighter waves pretty quickly

  • Re : CV's capacity.

    12. 08. 2010 09:34

True... but that is another issue, it has to do with how you arrange your pilots... it has
nothing to do with what the suggestion says.
To load a plane as soon as a flight goes off, you just need an extra pilot... and that, the
game already has the option for.

So no need to suggest something that is already in the game.

  • Re : CV's capacity.

    12. 08. 2010 08:32

yea but with the 8 pilot limit if u use at least 2 of each db and tb that leaves u 4 for
fp and on a cv5-5.5-6 u need to be preping in groups of 3 or 4 to have an adiquit
launch time otherwize ur spending 80% of the battle just waiting for planes to load
and even if ur running 4 2 2 or a 3 3 2( pilot setup) most cvs would run out of a
certain type of plane so fast that it would leave 2,3 or 4 of their pilots un usable

  • Re : CV's capacity.

    12. 08. 2010 06:47

With more than one pilot, you can do what you are saying... you launch fighters with
one pilot and load with another.

CVs have space for 8 pilots, and you have 3 types of them... don't use just one of each.
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