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  • a wintermap?

    10. 28. 2005 11:41

While attempting to get on seattle sever the island was covered in snow. Dunno if
their alreayd is a wintermap but i haven't seen one yet. But instead of just having
snow covered islands maybe add ice flows/bergs as well? Maybe this would be a
good map for op convoy as ice flows could limit speed at which ships can get to
cargo and icebergs could act liek land and cause ships to ground? Dunno if its a
good idea or not but thought i'd throw it out there anyway. I mean it does get dull
having the same few maps all the time

  • Re : a wintermap?

    10. 29. 2005 17:33

bump, this is a better idea than 3 recommendations aint it?

  • Re : a wintermap?

    10. 28. 2005 14:06

that's an awesome idea. i think it would make game play a lot more fun. And it would
appeal to the Canadians(including me), because the ice and snow brings back good/bad
memories :)

  • Re : a wintermap?

    10. 28. 2005 13:32


Yeah Icebergs could be pretty cool,if you hit them they could cause damage :)