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  • Allow torp ships to fire...

    10. 30. 2005 21:18

torps 1 at a time. perhaps even allow us to adust depth of the torp so it can blow
under the keel of our targets as well? however i think thats a sub tactic?, anyone
wanna correct me if i am wrong?

  • Re : Allow torp ships to fire...

    10. 31. 2005 12:51

well you see a benefit for torpers, is we can choose to fire torps to run a deeper
course, thus avoiding the puny dds and frigs and focus our torps on captial ships. i'm
all for lowering exp gained as well.

  • Re : Allow torp ships to fire...

    10. 31. 2005 06:32

torpedo damage is fine now, what they need to do is nerf the exp gained from them.

  • Re : Allow torp ships to fire...

    10. 31. 2005 04:19

it could be a little harder to hit people you think?

  • Re : Allow torp ships to fire...

    10. 31. 2005 04:07

LoL? What about just fire them below the water and everyone will get hit since all
ships have hull in water... Big ships, small ships, hit the hull and we see a titanic..
What's the diff?

  • Re : Allow torp ships to fire...

    10. 30. 2005 22:43

Supporters of the TW have given little truth in my mind on supporting their
difficaulty. I'm a Z99 and I just got into using torps alot and even I can get 2K or
more exp every 1 of 4 rounds and I just started into torping. Gunnery on the
otherhand i've been working on since I first started and I still say I have a ways to

  • Re : Allow torp ships to fire...

    10. 30. 2005 22:40

I'm waiting in anticipation for the torp nerf.

  • Re : Allow torp ships to fire...

    10. 30. 2005 22:19

oh hell yes i got a recommend, come on guys you all complain about us kitas, here's
your chance to voice out some constructive critisism and not the generic rant of i
hate torp ships....they make me sink to fast and all that annoy postings.

  • Re : Allow torp ships to fire...

    10. 30. 2005 22:17

Pressure mine I think was a German secret weapon I thought about it a while I
don't think Torpedos were pressure fused just running through the water they hit
any major change in pressure and boom. Mines on the otherhand sit in one spot and
the displacement of water will set the mine off.

  • Re : Allow torp ships to fire...

    10. 30. 2005 22:11

i think if implemented right this would be awesome, sort of like applying gun angles and
such to torps. ie fire torp at an angle into the water such that it would sorta bob up and
down until it ran outa gas

  • Re : Allow torp ships to fire...

    10. 30. 2005 22:00

yes i believe they did use different types of fuses depending on the
nation..personally i'm in a state of shock that no 1 has given me any recommends or
at the very least a "thats a good idea Texan" especially since i am major Kita user. i
mean it's so easy to say "ban all kitas" like the other thread, but be damned if a Kita
user tries to make a compromise.
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