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  • Medals, Awards, Records Cont.

    11. 13. 2005 19:48

This is a continuation of a post started by Bigcracker, who came up with the idea and
should receive credit. I have come up with a picture that
shows what TNF could do to put medals and awards in the game. Each would
correspond to an
accomplishment that the player would make. A small popup could come up when the
was moved over the ribbon to show what it is (eg. legon of merit - play 5000
Ribbons could be earned by playing so many games, sinking so many ships, and
in clan wars for example. A CW service medal would be awarded only to those who
participated in clan wars. I have come up with a few Awards and the requirements
receive the award below. Bronze and silver stars would be added to ribbons to
multiple awards. Feel free to add or make comments, i will update the post to
them. thanks -B

Medal of Honor - Reached lvl 100
Navy Cross - Reached lvl 70
Distinguished Service Medal - Played 10,000 games
Silver star - Sunk 10,000 ships
Superior Service Medal - Played 4,000 games
Legon of Merit - Sunk 5,000 ships
Distinguished Flying Cross - Shoot down 1000 planes
Bronze Star - Sunk 2,500 ships
Purple Heart - have a 1:4 win/lose ratio
Meritorus service Medal - played 1,000 games
Air Medal - Shot down 500 aircraft
Unit Commendation Medal - Winning clan in CW
Combat Action Ribbon - Participated in CW
Good Conduct Medal - gone 100 games without TK
WWII Victory Medal - achieve lvl 12 and choose a nation
Rifle Marksmanship Ribbon - Complete 100 games
Pistol Marksmanship Ribbon - sink 200 ships

Command Master Chief Insignia - Clan Leader
Command Chief Insignia - Clan Asst. Leader
Aviator Insignia - Have a Pilot lvl 60

  • Re : Medals, Awards, Records Cont.

    07. 14. 2010 21:15

good idea then the noobs in blitz know what they are up against

  • Re : Medals, Awards, Records Cont.

    07. 10. 2010 19:27

This is such a cool idea. This would give people more incentive to play.

  • Re : Medals, Awards, Records Cont.

    07. 10. 2010 14:15

Very good idea, kinda like Achievements.

Maybe if we get them we get points, and after so many points we can buy stuff for our ships?

  • Re : Medals, Awards, Records Cont.

    07. 09. 2010 14:12

perhaps xp rewards for achieving medals?

  • Re : Medals, Awards, Records Cont.

    06. 09. 2010 09:34

i like the ideal and it will give us something to work for. i think they should make it to
wher we can get the medals and more people will keep playing and wont get board
with the game like some of my friends did.

  • Re : Medals, Awards, Records Cont.

    06. 09. 2010 08:54

I love this idea. It would give others something else cool to work for.

  • Re : Medals, Awards, Records Cont.

    06. 07. 2010 15:41

I would never get good conduct medal considering how much people crosses me or I crosses
them :|

  • Re : Medals, Awards, Records Cont.

    06. 07. 2010 13:08

So you want to copy battlefield.......battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142, battlefield bad
company, battlefield bad company 2, Command and Conquer Generals, Command
and Conquer Generals Zero Hour, Command and Conquer 3, Command and Conquer
3 Kanes wrath...........etc? I could go on.
Cause surely you realise, this is something EA has been doing. Except you are
rewarded experience and stuff for the metals which is a better idea in the first place.

Dont comment on spelling or grammer, I just dont care. Surely people are intelligent
enough to realise what I am saying.

  • Re : Medals, Awards, Records Cont.

    06. 07. 2010 12:44

This idea is like putting Chuck Norris and Mr. T in the same room with Osama Bin Laden and letting him have it.

That's how much win it is.

Oh, btw, OP hacks, almost 2:1 win ratio and has Purple Heart :P

  • Re : Medals, Awards, Records Cont.

    05. 30. 2010 09:58

When is this idea gonna be implemented?
Or it's just a talk?
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