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  • Ability to destroy torps

    10. 21. 2005 12:58

Hey everyone

Well my suggestion on how to protect your self against a wave of torpedoes and
one that your most likely not going to survive from is this:

The ability to blow , or misguide torpedoes coming directly at you. I had some ideas
of my own, but many others in this thread have come up with some more practicle
ideas. Im not going to take the time to list them, so feel free to read through some
of the ideas.

As you all know, torps have to be a certian range away from its mother ship before
they 'arm' themselves for explosion. Well we've all had our share of Torp Whores so
I think this would be a real help

It would also get back at them for being Torp Whores in the first place as they
would have less of a chance of destroying you in the first place ;)


  • Re : Ability to destroy torps

    10. 24. 2005 12:29

Well I dont think it'll be possible to incorporate 'rifle fire' into this game in order to rid of torpedoes

But maybe utilize the AA guns , spin them downward and fire at the torpedoes ...


  • Re : Ability to destroy torps

    10. 24. 2005 09:41

why the uproar about regular guns!
if you have fast firing they are most probably crap guns anyway so are useless when someone else appears
if you have powerful guns you arn't going to get much chance to hit the torps....
seems like a good idea... remember if they saw a torp they could get rifles etc and try and hit it...

  • Re : Ability to destroy torps

    10. 24. 2005 07:29

I also think the torps in this game are too reliable. There should be some factor of torperdo failure consistant with the era. I remember reading many accounts of tropedos hitting the target and not detonating, torpedos going off course and explodign prematurely in some cases while in the tubes.

  • Re : Ability to destroy torps

    10. 24. 2005 07:02

I think this is an awesome idea. I mean, the chances of hitting a torp are slim which we all understand. But there will be those times where you will get lucky, and because of that, your going to win that battle. I mean, once I was playing and someone had a ton of torps coming at him, but his ship when STRAIGHT through the barrage with the trops just barely missing him. Chances of that happening are slim, but because it happened, he survived the battle and we won.

I think even just knowing you have a chance to destroy them would be good enough and keep you feeling a bit safer =P
So yea, I agree with this whole destroying the torps idea!

  • Re : Ability to destroy torps

    10. 23. 2005 07:10

Here's a weird that I'm not totally proud of...bcuz its not exactly realistic, but maybe possilbe....Why not make ff's immune to or have a high defense against torpedos. That way they can maneuver and sweep up torpedo walls. Go ahead and shoot this one down too...Dont tell anybody i said so..hehe


  • Re : Ability to destroy torps

    10. 23. 2005 03:56

I hope that (or better said it looks like) I'm not the only one who finds one incoming torpwall after another quite boring. I thought NF would be first of all about naval artillery and not torpwalling.

To reduce the increasing number of "torp whores" I think it might be a good idea to add a little more realism to the game.

Torpedos of WW2 were not very reliable. Especially german submarine commanders often recognised, that their torps hit the target, but didn't detonate. Other torps detonated during their launch leading to the loss of the submarine.

In NF i think it would be a good thing to add these characteristica by implementing some kind of random generator, that makes
a) some torpedos "dumb" ones (that means they hit the target, but don't detonate -
similar to those fired from too close) and
b) some torpedos detonate during their launch (they don't need to destroy the
vessel, but they could do a little damage or at least they don't run towards the
Of course a) should occur more often that b) and the number of these "mistakes" should be balanced. But I think with these changes the game would be a little more realistic and more fun, as someone like me might be able to fire his or her guns more often before running into another torpwall.
Furthermore you wouldn't need any special guns or shells to fight against torps.

- Props -

  • Re : Ability to destroy torps

    10. 22. 2005 12:34

Hmm people are coming up with some good ideas. In the end, there should just be SOME way to destroy torpedoes

Thanks for replying everyone :)


  • Re : Ability to destroy torps

    10. 22. 2005 11:57

i dunno how good your aim is...but I think it'll be pretty hard hitting a moving target wihtin the period

what could be done is have counter measures deployed.

Example: you haev 1 extra support slot in it is a countermeasure dude, he'll act how the machine gun agaisnt air craft

when there are torps in range he drops small bags that sink in 10 seconds. Then you run away and if a torp hits those bags they blow up. Now fi you don't get out of a wya in time oyu'll get owned by splash damage.

Maybe the DDs could have a lot more baggage deployed so that they could run defense for the bigger ships

  • Re : Ability to destroy torps

    10. 22. 2005 11:22

The Russians have a mortar-based anti-torpedo system in service, but that's after the technology was available to accurately track incoming torpedoes via sonar. In WWII, just watching the torpedo wakes probably wouldn't have been enough for a firing solution. An incoming torpedo has a very small profile, too.

  • Re : Ability to destroy torps

    10. 22. 2005 07:46

the only practical way of destroying torps would be with other torps that go off when they get near to the torps that are come for u. u cant have a gun that shoots them out the water because that's almost as unrealisti9c as the z99's guns. they could even make a sort of smaller remote detinated torp specificly designed to take out other torps and they would do no damgae do other ships just like aa shells.
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