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Technical Support


  • When did fixing a game...

    02. 26. 2011 13:07

become the customers sole responsibility?

Am I the only one getting support tickets blaming the computer, telling you to reinstall,
clear cache's and junk?

I get this one support ticket with all this techno mumbo jumbo and I'm thinking "wtf is
wrong with these guys.. I've never had to do this in my entire gaming career"

I'm just venting cause I love this game, but they have a terrible time managing it.

Hope to see you in game soon.

  • Re : When did fixing a game...

    02. 26. 2011 15:55

I have reinstalled, I built a whole new computer with 2 brand new SATA hard drives, and
yet I still have the same problem I had before. Reinstall didn't work. I tried it on an
old IDE drive, and I tried it on my brand new SATA drives. I still can't play. Its not an
install, something is very wrong with the game code right now

  • Re : When did fixing a game...

    02. 26. 2011 14:41

Isnt this your second topic about this in two days? I can understand your frustration but
I am willing to bet the problem is on your end anyway. No need to keep spamming the forums
with stupid topics.

  • Re : When did fixing a game...

    02. 26. 2011 14:24

I agree i sent tickets in about lag and was told to flush my dns and clear cache and
reinstall nf well ive done all this and ive even reinstalled windows and still the lag is
almost unplayable and makes it impossible to aim .

  • Re : When did fixing a game...

    02. 26. 2011 13:35

I agree with you 100% Gump. SDE support has been down the toilet for a long time.
They really need to get the next NF out, yet I'm afraid that it's going to be even more
bugged, yet also more fixable.
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