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  • Rule Number 9?

    10. 27. 2005 06:35

Everyone keeps going on about it,
Can someone please explain what it is.
or at least point me in the direction of where I can read about it?

  • Re : Rule Number 9?

    10. 27. 2005 07:11


Rule #9 refers to the selling price of whatever you are selling. Apparantly you get
alot less then what you paid for

This obviously doesnt sit well with alot of players. For example, if you want to oufit
your ship with a certain gun, then realize a few battles later that its not the right
type for you, you have to sell and rebuy another set , so in the end you lose quite
alot of cash


  • Re : Rule Number 9?

    10. 27. 2005 07:41

thanks babs............

  • Re : Rule Number 9?

    10. 27. 2005 07:13

Go to the general discussion forum, type in 9 into the search spot and click search.
A few posts down you will see a post by a TeamNF member, Babs, Which explains everything
you need to know about "Number 9".

I hope this helps.


p.s. just to clarify cause i dont want any rumors going around:

"Hello folks.

I did some research on resale values and came to the following conclusions:

Hull refund: 100%

You get back all your money when you sell a ship hull independent of the class you sell
the hull (NOTE: tests of only be done with DD and CL hulls)

Remodel refund: 0%

You get back 0% of your refund costs. Thus if you Buy an SP D38 for 100K and remodel it to
D40 for 10K and then sell it you only get back 100K (hull costs) and do not get back the
10K (remodel costs). No selling bugs have been found so far.

DD Equipment refund used on any class (FCS, engine): 100%

For DD FCS and Engine you get back 100% independant on the ship class you use it on. Thus
if you buy a DD engine for a BB and then sell it you get back 100% of the DD engine cost.

CL Equipment refund used on any class (FCS, engine): 70%

For CL FCS and Engine you get back 70% independant of the ship class you use it on. Thus
if you buy a CL engine on your DD and then sell it you get back 70% of the original CL
engine cost.

CA/PS Equipment refund used on any class (FCS, engine): 50%

CA/PS FCS and Engine independant of ship class used on.

Expected BB/CV Equipment refund used on any class (FCS, engine): 30%

BB/BC/CV only 30%. Independant on the ship class used on. Note that this is an expectation
since i do not have BB nor CV.

Armor refund: 100%

You get back 100% of the armor costs if you sell your armor or sell a ship with armor.

Equipment refund used on any class (guns, torp tubes): dependant on lvl:

The Guns and Torpedo Tubes' refund you buy and sell are level dependant. The formula for
this is 100-(Lvl/120*100), thus for selling a lvl 30 gun you get 75% refunded, for selling
a lvl 60 gun you get 50% and for selling a lvl 90 gun you get 25%.

Ammo refund: 100%

You seem to get 100% ammo refund

Plane refund: Unknown

I did not do any tests on buying and selling planes but its not really important as its
only very small part of ones cost.

Hope it helps you all.

Babs out!"

  • Re : Rule Number 9?

    10. 27. 2005 07:11

Rule #9 refers to the selling price of whatever you are selling. Apparantly you get
alot less then what you paid for

This obviously doesnt sit well with alot of players. For example, if you want to oufit
your ship with a certain gun, then realize a few battles later that its not the right
type for you, you have to sell and rebuy another set , so in the end you lose quite
alot of cash
