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  • Way to much lagg and causing game to lose server connetion issues

    10. 27. 2005 17:34

Out of 5 games started today in regular battle mode I have finsihed only 1 and the
other 4 games some where durring the screen gets frozen I can hear sounds move
my aim cursors(green one) fire and change weapons (guns / torps I know because I
can hear them firing) If I try to hit esc for rtreat it makes an echo sound and I cant
get the ship controls to work and or I cant see where the spped of ship is to reach

The end result in every case is I am sunk (while cant see anything or move), and or
lose connection to sever and had to remove NF from my task list manualy and then
restart NF and log in again only to find that I have to repair my ship and lost all
earned up untill the screen getting frozen... 4 times of out of 5 I ended up with less
than I started the day with and that is BS....

  • Re : Way to much lagg and causing game to lose server connetion issues

    10. 27. 2005 17:38

Could you please check out my sticky in this forum and try if it solves your problems?