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  • Lots of bugs..

    11. 02. 2005 07:08

this game has lots and lots of annoying bugs that resolt in wighter ctrl+alt+delete or crach..

1. Too offten the ship freezes up so i cant fire the guns or change the ship of it.. only
solution is to press ctrl+alt+delete and start over.. this makes it rare to finnish long
OP games.

2. Sometimes the game craches when the score is about to load after a game and not only
dont you get to se the result but you dont get anything for it.

3. The game crashes sometimes when useing the reload button in the harbor.

(i have tried turning off all other programs and opend the firewall/all ports)

Also i wonder, am i the only person with these problems?

  • Re : Lots of bugs..

    11. 02. 2005 14:16

This sounds exactly like the problems I had...

Please read the troubleshooting guide.

And as a first measure: Uninstall NetLimiter ( if you have it).

  • Re : Lots of bugs..

    11. 02. 2005 09:14

First did you look through the Troubleshooting guide, there is more that you can do than
just turning off your firewall...

But also:
Please if you crash, check your navy field folder for files ending with .RPT and e-mail
them with a small crash report to [email protected].
This is the best way for the dev team to figure out what is going on to cause you to crash.



  • Re : Lots of bugs..

    11. 02. 2005 08:22

NF has many ways of crashed. If you really want help please be specific; we cna't guess.

There's a sudden, total crash (NF jsut disappear), there's the "NF has made an illegal
operation and will go to jail), there's other error messages, there's data file corrupt,
Connection Lost, etc. etc. etc.

Have you redownloaded and reinstalled NF?