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  • Found solution to Whitescreen bug and Failure to Login

    11. 02. 2005 16:10

All i did was dowload the new drivers to my card. I have an ati card, just go to to find the new drivers. I still havent found a solution to the "cant move in
training" bug. I got the error report and it said the following:
szAppName: NavyFIELD.exe szAppVer: . szModName: hungapp szModVer: offset: 00000000

Hope this helps, anyone got some bright ideas?

  • Re : Found solution to Whitescreen bug and Failure to Login

    11. 02. 2005 17:15

I'm srry but netlimiter is not on my computer and i have all the recommender
programs to downloaded. Everything up to date, but i still cant move during training.
I found during the first couple seconds, literally, i have some control of my ship. I can
accelarate and turn one directoin before i loose control. I can still move my guns
though whitch is funny. I just cant change direction and move. I dont have crushes
and again, i have followed troubleshooting guide and all your recommendations,
anything else, anyone in the community have an idea?

  • Re : Found solution to Whitescreen bug and Failure to Login

    11. 02. 2005 17:12

thanks for pointing out my stupidity, well taken

  • Re : Found solution to Whitescreen bug and Failure to Login

    11. 02. 2005 17:05

Do you know what stickies are?

They are those fat threads with an anchor next to it at the top of a forum section,
and they indicate the thread to be important.

This should help you find it :P

  • Re : Found solution to Whitescreen bug and Failure to Login

    11. 02. 2005 16:58

wheres the trouble shooting guide?

  • Re : Found solution to Whitescreen bug and Failure to Login

    11. 02. 2005 16:22

If you cannot move anything at all turrets or ship try hitting \ as this will turn on/off
your ability to use your radio man and this may be your problem.

If you are having probelms with just turrets make sure you have hit R, as this will select
your guns as opposed to Torps.

Thanks for the info about drivers, For future refrence, this should be the FIRST thing
people look at when having difficulty running a game.

I am unsure you are you still having crash problems? are you sending your RPT files to
[email protected]? Have you gone through the items in the Troubleshooting guide?

Hope this helps a bit, and thanks.
