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Tip and Tactics


  • The Immortal Frigate GUIDE

    12. 03. 2007 05:33

I know that there are some guides about "FRIGATES" and i dont want to argue about them. I
posted this topic because i just want to share my knowledge in playing a FRIGATE.

Winning or Loosing is separated by a thin line called TEAMWORK. In a team, everyone has
its role. Knowing your role makes a big difference to survival and death, not only by you
but by all your teammates.

Tactics and Strategy On BLITZKRIEG

Frigates ( FF ) - Small, Weak & Fragile that is all that we know about frigates. It is
commonly underestimated and neglected. They often times seen as "Food" in the game and all
the one who use it thinks that they are really "Food" for the other ships. Being small and
weak is its greatest asset.. ( What the F***??! ) Believe me a frigate can change the
outcome of the game. Being small contributes to its agility and being weak will took the
attention of the enemy.

What is your ROLE?? You are not an escort, you are not a scout.. You are a BUNNY!! got it?
What I mean is you are a Diversion, Decoy and a great HERO.

Imagine this situation.. before the game starts you are positioned in the southern part of
the fleet. Then what will you do? Frigates doesn't ask how many are the enemy but where
they are.. ( from movie 300 ) Begin provoking enemies to lure them on your way. You can
shout "Come here babies !!" or "Who's strong enough to take me on!!" and after some time
you will find your ship chased by some angry mobs. The trick is to go forward, lure them
away from the battle. You are fast and agile so theres a big chance of you avoiding their
attacks. Do some good evasive maneuvering and everything will do just fine..

Remember to keep them on your tail, Do not engage them.. You don't have a death wish do
you? After some time they will notice that their fleet is losing. This is just an example,
1/4 of their fleet follows you and 3/4 is left to fight your friends. So the ratio will be
2:3 there is a big chance of your team winning and if a Heavy Cruiser follows you then
their teammates will have less firepower. Even if you are sunk you will see a great
victory in the end. They will not notice what you do but I know in yourself you can feel
the fulfillment.

Now Don't be discouraged in playing a FRIGATE because "EVERY SINGLE HELP COUNTS!"

All Heroes Die but what they've done will last for Centuries.

Edit : Im sorry for those who misunderstood my post. This was for Blitzkrieg play :)

  • Re : The Immortal Frigate GUIDE

    10. 23. 2010 15:58

I love my frigate! ur rite we are bait. but i love it! i thought i wanted a big ship like
the mogami. wen i got it i could do nothing with it.,,, its too slow, big target and the
big guns dont hit anyone. the frigate is like free torp bomber if u add torps

  • Re : The Immortal Frigate GUIDE

    09. 22. 2010 13:39

Add This In TOO. Frigates can also be used as scouts if there is ever a side thats not
scouted. The BBs will Love you.

  • Re : The Immortal Frigate GUIDE

    09. 22. 2010 09:28

hahah yea i always carry guns on my cv. ive been humped one to many times.

  • Re : The Immortal Frigate GUIDE

    09. 22. 2010 07:54

The humping a cv is useful if the cv has no guns or HH equipped. If it has, ouch!
Scratch one frigate.

Actually, the OHing is useful when there are other sonar equipped ships about. Did
that with the Z31 and FF-21. Charge, drop DC, and run like a madman! Poor sub.

  • Re : The Immortal Frigate GUIDE

    09. 22. 2010 06:47

if you OH I don't think you spot subs...

  • Re : The Immortal Frigate GUIDE

    09. 22. 2010 05:52

cool!!! so dangle a carrot on a stick and the horse will follow. i new their was more
use for noobs than just blowing them up all the time when they cross you.

the blowing them up part is always an acident btw, i have absolutely no control over
where they turn or sail. LOL

  • Re : The Immortal Frigate GUIDE

    09. 22. 2010 04:00

To be honest the very best strategy in an FF is to stroll up and down your line with
OH'ing looking for subs, and then once battle has been joined wiggle along one of
the borders at 60knts and find a carrier to go potty in. Get inside it and hold space
It can be alot of fun. unfortunately 8/10 a skilled bb player will one shot you for the
sight you're giving to your team but ah well its shared xp.

  • Re : The Immortal Frigate GUIDE

    09. 22. 2010 02:27


Sounds like fun, tonight I will put some low lvl sailor & grind my FF. If C4 is alvailable
in NF store, I would buy some and load in FF, try some new play style....kamikaze FF.

  • Re : The Immortal Frigate GUIDE

    09. 21. 2010 22:48

"This is just an example,
1/4 of their fleet follows you and 3/4 is left to fight your friends. So the ratio will be

With flawless math like that, it must be true!

  • Re : The Immortal Frigate GUIDE

    09. 16. 2010 01:52

That was a very nice TIP AND TACTIC post for frigates with all the meaning of the words.
Good job mate, Recommended
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