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U.S Navy


  • Sevastopol History by Selimtr

    12. 06. 2007 06:11

Gangut class battleship
The Gangut-class were the first "dreadnought" battleships built for the Imperial
Russian Navy. The ships were authorised by the duma (Russian Parliament) in 1908.
Because of lack of experience the Russians asked several foreign yards for design
advice. A convoluted design history involving Italian, German (Blohm & Voss) and
British (John Brown and Company) companies ensued. The ships were ordered in
1909. Four ships were built. Two were named after victorious battles of Peter the
Great in the Great Northern War, two were named after battles in the Crimean War.
Three of the ships replaced similarly named ships of the Petropavlovsk-class lost in
the Russo-Japanese War.

Gangut class Ships
2.1 Gangut
2.2 Petropavlovsk
2.3 Sevastopol <<<<<<<<
2.4 Poltava

Sevastopol, built by Baltic Yard, St.Petersburg, was laid down 1909, launched in
October 1911, and completed in November 1914. Originally named after the city of
Sevastopol in the Crimea, renamed Parizhskaya Kommuna after the Paris Commune
of 1871, she was transferred to the Black Sea Fleet in 1929, because all of the Black
Sea Dreadnoughts were lost during the Revolution and subsequent Russian Civil
War. The ship fought in World War II, was renamed Sevastopol in 1943, and was
scrapped in 1957.


  • Re : Sevastopol History by Selimtr

    07. 22. 2010 23:36

Sevastopol was of course no match for other modern BBs by WWII but as they were
stuck in the Baltic and Black sea they had no big opponents to match so they technically
were the ships that ruled supreme. However the situation was a totally different matter
and the ships spent most their time stuck in port because the Germans had air
superiority, mines and submarines blocking everything.

  • Re : Sevastopol History by Selimtr

    07. 22. 2010 23:07

thank you foxfire

and norm, don't bag on somesome who is actually trying to ask a genuine quistion

now i'm not trying to start a fight, but you can really upset someone like that and
run them off of the game

and again thanks foxfire

  • Re : Sevastopol History by Selimtr

    07. 22. 2010 16:58

"What i can't understand is, why, in the entire history of this ship not once is it
commanded be the US or a US officer, and yet it, is the PBB for the US line. That just
doesn't make any sense to me.

and if I'm wrong please tell me....

and if I'm right can someone please tell me why (beyond NF hating the US) "

I'll answer that for you. Once upon a time in a Galaxy Far Far away long before the
French came out in the Era of time when even the GM's would say "NF WILL NEVER
HAVE SUBS" and just after the start of shared XP SDE decied to make new ships in
order to bring in more profit and thus the PBB's were relased they were designed to
be inbtween BB2 and 3 at a BB 1 level. The reason why the US is a Russian Degisn is
because at the time SDE didnt think of ever makeing a new nation,

As for the future of this ship i see it as the Dunqure there will be a US and SN
version the only unique PBB is the B65 witch to me looks like a mini-Yami.


  • Re : Sevastopol History by Selimtr

    07. 22. 2010 07:21

First off... Don't bring back 2 year old topics started when PBBs were released...

Second... Of the original 4 Nations, only the IJN have their own nation's ship as a PBB.

Third... Why did you go back 3 pages and bump a topic from the Add PBBs and BB5s era?

  • Re : Sevastopol History by Selimtr

    07. 22. 2010 05:16

What i can't understand is, why, in the entire history of this ship not once is it
commanded be the US or a US officer, and yet it, is the PBB for the US line. That just
doesn't make any sense to me.

and if I'm wrong please tell me....

and if I'm right can someone please tell me why (beyond NF hating the US)

  • Re : Sevastopol History by Selimtr

    04. 28. 2008 23:29

Silly rabbit! Sevastopols are for kids!

And why are we having an argument in this thread...Why cant we all just love each other!
**grabs random person and hugs him**

  • Re : Sevastopol History by Selimtr

    04. 28. 2008 22:18

Kongo wasn't just "influenced" by the British - it was -built- by the British.

  • Re : Sevastopol History by Selimtr

    04. 28. 2008 20:33

good information, i always heard about that ship

  • Re : Sevastopol History by Selimtr

    04. 28. 2008 09:51

if the Nazis just pushed slightly harder, it would have been a german ship. =D

  • Re : Sevastopol History by Selimtr

    04. 27. 2008 22:48

It was NOT a German ship. The design may have been a hint, barely, of a German
company, but it was never commisioned into the German navy, never crewed or
commanded by a German officer and crew, etc. Just like the IJN Kongo was a British
influenced BB (Vickers I believe).
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