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  • Horrible lag

    10. 22. 2005 06:55

I've recently been experinceing very bad and inexplicable lag while play the game. Needless to say this has been a extream detriment to my experince(which up until now has been great).

I'm on Cable internet and those was no where near peak hours(EARLY morning). Though I do use a wireless adapter, but its never caused problems before.

Any help?


    10. 22. 2005 08:24

why is the lag in NF gone BAD BIGTIME i have tryed at 1 =4 AM and at 6 12 AM and midday and over the last week it has gone bad bigtime the game is now no good as every game i have entered thay ask why did i stop shooting or why are you shooting up there were there is no one around ( USA players pointed this out) is is now so bad it's like a 3 sec delay so as soon as the BO say's Torpedos it to late.

Are you changing your server around or somthing ? most of my frend over here in the UK ( im on NTL some are on BT and so on) say the game has gone to S**T as the lag is so bad there giveing up on the game.

What has happend to NF it's now at a point of going pay to play but it's inpossible to play in the first place and im sorry there's NO way as the game is at this time i will EVER pay for it.
So please replay team NF and tellus what has hapend to the server and game lag.

PS JUST did a REDOWNLOAD of NF1094 and im geting 24. KB/sec <<<< THIS is VERRY BAD FOR ME as every where i get between 240.KB/Sec to 580. I have not seen it this bad since i was on a 56k modem.