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  • I suck with a CL

    12. 07. 2005 20:52

So I have an mpro and I'm getting owned by DDs, hell all it takes is one DD to take
me down. I have terrible aim with those 6.75Ls (and I do mean terrible, I'm lucky to
just get 3k damage) I try to keep my distance but I can't even see where the hell
I'm shooting. Then before I know it I'm getting shot at by CLs (How can they hit me
when they can't even see me?) and some stupid DD rapes me. How do you guys in
your CL do it? I need pointers, advice anything that will help me!

  • Re : I suck with a CL

    12. 15. 2005 12:40

yeah, i'm considering NOT zooming out as well. It's just that not being able to keep an
eye on your ship is not won't be able to catch torps coming at you in time. A
lot of times the "topedo" in sight warning caomse way too late.

  • Re : I suck with a CL

    12. 15. 2005 10:50

i know this is a little off-topic but:

does it really make a big difference if you zoom out? I never use it, I just shoot
without seeing my ship, because zooming out looks really crappy.

  • Re : I suck with a CL

    12. 13. 2005 19:40

The fact that some people use D99 and pass CL's entirely to move on to Hipper is.....




  • Re : I suck with a CL

    12. 13. 2005 18:59

Yeah, I've given up on the Mpro and loaded my good old DD with some nice 6.75"Ds.
Now Im bringing in 15k+ damage for everygame (And I do mean every!) and
averaging a good 1100+ exp per game. Ill be in my Admiral Hipper in no time :D

  • Re : I suck with a CL

    12. 13. 2005 17:30

No Rant here on these super-torpers and fast hard guns of the DD's.........just some
positive advice.
My M-Pro does around 32 knots.
In the "Welcome All" games go straight in, then turn 120 deg. to left or right when
you are in gun range of the island. Slow down a 25%. The enemy will move into gun
range (your A ammo slot light HE) , and you are already moving away so no need to
worry about torp lines. Take some well aimed long range shots.
If a pack of DD's break through your fleet line and rush towards you, maintain slow
speed, hopefully a group of them will bunch up looking for the CL kill. Finish your turn
and head directly away from them, increasing speed before they get in close. Switch
to B ammo rack HE Hvy as you drop a nice torp wave behind you when they are at
half your aiming meter. I fire the rear mounted torps (right bank) at fast, then fire
the side mounted torps at slow. This creates a beautiful defensive wall where you
get many hits.
Turn back to your previous heading, bring all guns to bear on the closest enemy and
blast him. Remember when aiming at a chasing enemy aim at their nose, maybe a
little past them w/ the Heavy HE's.
Anyways good luck and have fun.

  • Re : I suck with a CL

    12. 09. 2005 17:45

if using m pro dont play dd/cl games, m pro can beat dds if ou know how to use it,
but for dd killer the kberg is better, but z99 is better than kburg. now, m pro has 1
more slot than k berg, so use 1 more triple, put the 5.99 triples in m pro, and put
lots of torps in m pro and you can make big torp walls (use gradual if you dont want
to waste torps, you arent jap) but personally i prefer using 6.75" s L with HE light
and AP, and lots of AA guns!!! now enter a CL only or CL/CA game, and let the ships
kill them selves and you take the airplanes down and scout, and when other ships
come close to you shoy at them while they are shoting a CA, and you can get your
exp. or you can stick with the z99, and dont get the 8" on m pro, they cant load
enough ammo. just 2 binds with the N version cant fit the L version and D version
sucks at range and you will get killed, the 6.75s L has more range than 8" D. and
still with the D version not a lot of ammo still.

  • Re : I suck with a CL

    12. 09. 2005 09:41

The Z1, Fletcher, et al (pre-Uber DD set) do not pose the same problem as the Z99, DDX,
etc. do.

While the Fubu is a problem, it has a unique problem itself in that EVERYONE looks out for
it and blasts it first among DD. None of the other original DD pack CL punch as do the
Z99, DDX, etc., nor do any of the original DD set have the ability to slough off damage as
do the Ubers.

I have an MPro and Z99, I also went through the Kberg. Neither german CL comes close to
taking the damage that the Z99 does and keeps on fighting. The combination of speed,
agility and toughness make the Ubers highly survivable especially in the face of CL
guns-all the while dishing out the same damage as the CL's.

While I would hate to lose my Z99, a point can be made that the Ubers have singlehandidly
destroyed the German CL game. There just isn't much of a point to playing them anymore. In
fact, probably the best use for the MPro (for me) is as CV escort using 3X 5.9 and the
killer AA 4.1" on the rear. You don't do much damage unless you lose and are swarmed at
the end, but you do fulfill a useful function and stand a better chance of surviving the game.

  • Re : I suck with a CL

    12. 09. 2005 07:29

What about to Z1?

what about the fletcher?

i can understand removing the Z99 and fubu but if you remove the Z1 then you lose
your starting ship AND you lose the training needed for the other ships

  • Re : I suck with a CL

    12. 08. 2005 13:26

I've ranted about this enough but a little more.....

I find the fact that an Mpro having trouble with a DD disturbing. Get rid of the super
DD's and you fix the problem. I remember the old days when CL's were worth
somethin. Now, just fodder for the masses of DD's. Remove the super DD's then
you have Akit-Kai, Z52, tribal, and Timmy left. Much better environment.

Criminy, make CL's fun again.


  • Re : I suck with a CL

    12. 08. 2005 05:52

I have an easy remedy: don't fight dd's in your m pro. Frankly, I never use my m pro in
dd's vs cl's host, and I rarely join dd'cl games. The m pro is a great long range,
anti-cl ship. Since dd's are much faster than you, even unarmored, your range advantage
won't last as long as it would in cl only, or cl/ca games.
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