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  • want to become a carrier

    10. 22. 2005 08:31

i want to become a carrier when i grow up. should i start training pilots now? if so, which slots would i put them in?

P.S i'm lvl 22 with the somers and in the USA

  • Re : want to become a carrier

    10. 22. 2005 08:35


Depends. If you are using your T-slots for guns or most likely torps, put them in the support slot, or in the T-slot if they can use the torpedo launcher's.

  • Re : want to become a carrier

    10. 22. 2005 18:05

a carrier will require a lot of training and it going to take a VERY long time as the united states, if you would have planned ahead, you would have picked the japanese for carriers

  • Re : want to become a carrier

    10. 22. 2005 16:43

ok, thanks a lot. do scouters only need aircraft skill?

  • Re : want to become a carrier

    10. 22. 2005 16:42

pot. doesnt matter for a pilot. Only the aircraft/fighter/bomber stats matter. and 11/11 is ok. 11/12 even better, but they are quite rare and hard to buy, coz they will be expensive. but 11/11 is the minimum base for good pilots. notice these are basestats from neuts. The nationality bonus +2 for fighter stats is not included. The higher growth the better!


  • Re : want to become a carrier

    10. 22. 2005 16:33

ok, thanks

so thay should have 11:11 stats? with 14 pot?

  • Re : want to become a carrier

    10. 22. 2005 16:26

try to get some better pilots
those are not all that good

  • Re : want to become a carrier

    10. 22. 2005 16:24

i have 1 sailor for scout, bomber, and fighter, do i need more?

are thse skills good for each class?

scout: 12 potential 11 aircraft
bomber:13 pot 10 aircraft 10 fighter 10 bomber
fighter: 12 pot 9 aircraft 11 fighter 9 bomber

  • Re : want to become a carrier

    10. 22. 2005 09:57

Use up as many support slots as you can, and try to keep your sailors maxed out. If you go over the maximum weight displacement, then switch off one of the higher level sailors you are training to become pilot and put a lower level one or a neutral on and train that instead.

Just remember though, always keep that neutral to become US CV BO sailor on your ship, you want to hit CV early and you can always buy pilots but BO you will have to train from scratch, so just keep him on at all times in whichever ship you are using.

As for which pilots to train, I'd suggest train bombers first because they take the longest (pilots become TBs and then DBs at lvl 53).

Also, for your pilots, convert them to the next sailor class as soon as possible. Example: at level 12 you can turn neutral into Special Force, do that, at lvl 25 (I think) you can turn Sp.F into Rookie, do that, at lvl 40 you can turn Rookie (with good fighter stats and aircraft stats of course) into Fighter, do that, etc.

  • Re : want to become a carrier

    10. 22. 2005 09:26

ok, so should i train one sailor at a time? (there are 2 support slots) or use both slots?

BTW: i have a pilot to-be for a scout, fighter and bomber, which should i train first?

  • Re : want to become a carrier

    10. 22. 2005 09:18

Sell off the torp launchers, then you can put in your pilots-to-be in them. I don't know if training pilots in your torp launcher slots is necessary YET. Somers is good, but it would only be half as good (or basically, be a Gearing) if you don't torp with it. Since you're only lvl22 your guns suck (no offense intended), so torps+guns not only gives you better exp return, it also keeps you alive longer. So until you reach CL1 (lvl30-Atlanta), just train your sailor in the support section.

By the way, a suggestion for you:

The first person that you are training, keep him in the support slot and let him remain a neutral sailor until he becomes level 50. Then change him to choose all the ships that lead down to the US CV line. With the BO you have now, let him continue down the BB line (either Brooklyn--->Alaska or North Hampton--->[I forgot]) so just in case you don't like the CV line, you can always go back to the BB line. And with bigger gunships, you can train more sailors at a time and for the most part they would get more experience.

  • Re : want to become a carrier

    10. 22. 2005 08:58

only problem with this is that the torp launchers are too high a lvl for my to-be fighters/bombers. so i need to put them in support?
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