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  • Bulge, belt armor and torpedoes

    03. 13. 2008 05:45

I read 2 threads shortly after I started navyfield.

The first was Emu87's thread about torp damage and how it lessens the further
away the point of impact is from the centre of your ship.

The second was Devgod's about how many torps a ship could survive with varying
amounts of SD, bulge and belt.

In Devgod thread there's also a link to an Asian table that I think shows a relation
between torp damage reduction and the amount of belt used.
But I don't know whether Devgod and the asian guy accounted for the varying torp
damage you get based on the location of the hit. They also didn't included any
screenshots to check or replicate those results using a similar setup.
Repair rate, the gradual effect from successive torpedo hits will also taint the
results in Devgods tests.
Since I also had some additional questions not fully covered in either thread I did
some testing of my own.

The questions, results and screenshots will be in the following post.

  • Re : Bulge, belt armor and torpedoes

    01. 30. 2011 17:00

It still works I tested it with USN torps and ship.

  • Re : Bulge, belt armor and torpedoes

    01. 15. 2011 04:48

Papa said: "Are the results still valid?"

I'd like to know that too.

But I'm glad I saw this thread... surprised I haven't seen it sooner.

  • Re : Bulge, belt armor and torpedoes

    01. 14. 2011 02:40

malkara kesan
hoppala pasam

  • Re : Bulge, belt armor and torpedoes

    01. 13. 2011 11:00

It's good found things useful like that on the forum. Recommend

  • Re : Bulge, belt armor and torpedoes

    01. 08. 2011 13:55

I like to see that people use their time to test and put it on forums, so other people
could use this.
Keep going!

  • Re : Bulge, belt armor and torpedoes

    08. 10. 2010 20:36

Are the results still valid?

  • Re : Bulge, belt armor and torpedoes

    08. 10. 2010 20:24

thanks men ! good post

  • Re : Bulge, belt armor and torpedoes

    08. 07. 2010 06:41

Bulge X and Y values explained here:

  • Re : Bulge, belt armor and torpedoes

    08. 07. 2010 05:21

nice guide as well, you def did a nice job i believe clearifying atleast what belt
actually does at helping reduce torp testing that i did all be it very
simiilar, was a controlled test testing the different bulge and belt theories and
setups to see what actually does work. I think your test and mine as well could
definately be combined or atleast work in hand

rec'd and should be stickied

link to my test for those that want a lil further info on bulge effectivness

  • Re : Bulge, belt armor and torpedoes

    08. 07. 2010 02:11

The damage will be the same, though some sub tests suggest that the angle of
impact does influence the dud rate of the torpedoes.
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