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  • Anti Aircraft

    10. 22. 2005 15:56

how exactly does it work? does your gun type change the amount of damage that the little automatic machine guns do?
do those little guns do any sigificant damage to planes?
or do you have to switch to aa shells and shoot the little buggers down?
if you do how the hell do you hit something so small???
someone explain how to aim with the aa shells, they fly funny and dont land in water.

and anything else you can think off to add. been playing a lot of cl vs dd games lately and a lot of the time my little Q is the last dd left, i wana get rid of their damn scout planes XD

  • Re : Anti Aircraft

    10. 22. 2005 16:00

AA guns you can mount on your ship have to be operated manually.

The goal is to hit the incoming planes with the shells, the *puff* at the end
of the shells' voyage doesn't kill them.

To do this check the golden (normal) angles for each AA gun at

To hit the planes you have to aim ahead of their path/direction.

Aiming FCS is strongly suggested.