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  • Get rid of the Oyodo...

    10. 22. 2005 22:14

I don't really see a good reason to keep the Oyodo, I think it's really not needed, I believe we should replace the Oyodo w/ the Taiyo class escort carrier!

it's more like a Hosho w/ balls... it's got speed (for a CV) and was made to supplement air cover for smaller fleets w/ around 75 percent of the payload as fighters and scouters w/ Jap ships being desperately in need of extra AA capabilities as the war went on.

  • Re : Get rid of the Oyodo...

    10. 23. 2005 18:30


I havn't gotten to CV levels yet on the jap line, but I'd just like to state that I really enjoy the amount of history that actually gets posted on the forums.

Good post!

  • Re : Get rid of the Oyodo...

    10. 23. 2005 18:12

No, just drop the lvl 33 oyodo and make it a slightly harder to get a CV by making the levels a little higher and replacing the lost CV w/ the Taiyo on they Junyo route.

  • Re : Get rid of the Oyodo...

    10. 23. 2005 18:05

why not just drop the
down to lvl 33

  • Re : Get rid of the Oyodo...

    10. 23. 2005 17:55

I agree with the Taiyo replacing the Oyodo, it is a good idea, and would be of more usefulness to the IJN Players

  • Re : Get rid of the Oyodo...

    10. 23. 2005 17:55

And hey, Hosho was one of 2 CVs to survive WW2 for the Japs.

Japanese Aircraft Carriers
Name Type(a/c) Tons Commis Sunk By Where Comments
Hosho CVL (11) 7,500 27Dec22 - - Kure Training
Akagi CV (63) 36,000 25May27 04June42 CV Midway
Kaga CV (72) 36,800 21Mar28 04June42 CV Midway
Ryujo CVL (46) 10,500 9May33 24Aug42 CV EastSolomons
Soryu CV (63) 17,500 29Sep37 04June42 CV Midway
Hiryu CV (63) 17,500 5July39 05June42 CV Midway
Zuiho CVL (24) 11,200 27Dec40 25Oct44 CV CapeEngano
Shokaku CV (72) 27,000 08Aug41 19June44 SS-244 Marianas
Taiyo CVE (27) 16,700 15Sep41 18Dec44 SS-269 off Luzon
Zuikaku CV (72) 27,000 25Sep41 25Oct44 CV CapeEngano
Shoho CVL (24) 11,200 26Jan42 07May42 CV Coral Sea
Junyo CV (45) 24,100 05May42 09Dec44 SS off Sasebo
Unyo CVE (27) 16,700 31May42 16Sep44 SS-220 S.ChinaSea
Hiyo CV (45) 24,100 31July42 20June44 CV (50) Marianas
Chuyo CVE (27) 16,700 25Nov42 04Dec43 SS-192 off Honshu
Ryuho CVL (31) 13,400 28Nov42 - - Kure
Ise BBV - C 1943 28July45 CV Kure
Hyuga BBV - C 1943 24July45 CV Kure
Chiyoda CVL (24) 11,200 31Oct43 25Oct44 CV CapeEngano
Kaiyo CVE 15,400 23Nov43 24July45 CV Beppu Bay
Shinyo CVE 17,500 15Dec43 17Nov44 SS-411 S.YellowSea
Chitose CVL (24) 11,200 01Jan44 25Oct44 CV CapeEngano
Taiho CV (62) 29,300 07Mar44 19June44 SS-218 Marianas
Unryu CVL 17,300 06Aug44 19Dec44 SS-395 EastChinaSea
Amagi CVL 17,100 10Aug44 28June45 air Kure
Shinano CVB (70) 62,000 19Nov44 29Nov44 SS-395 Inland Sea world largest
Katsuragi CV 17,300 15Oct44 Not service
Kasagi CVL 17,300 incomplete 85%
Ibuki CVL 14,500 incomplete 80%
Aso CV incomplete 60%
Ikoma CV incomplete 60%

Hosho was Japan's first carrier and used for experimentation and training, but took part in Midway.
Kaga was converted from a battleship hull when new battleships were forbidden by Naval Arms Treaty.
Akagi was converted from a battle cruiser hull when cruisers were limited by Naval Arms Treaty.
Ise and Hyuga were battleships with rear turrets removed and flight deck installed. When air crews became short, they fought again as battleships.
Chiyoda and Chitose were converted from seaplane carriers.
Zuiho and Shoho were converted from seaplane tenders.
Taiyo, Unyo and Chuyo were converted from passenger liners.
Shinano was a supercarrier, 71,000 tons, built on a superbattleship hull after the lessons of Midway proved the need for aircraft. She was torpedoed by Archerfish, 20Nov44, and sank in Tokyo Bay traveling between her launch site and training base.
Alternate spelling and names found. Shingo, Jinyo Junyo, Haytaka Unyo, Un'yo, Otaka
Hiyo, Haytaka Taiyo, Toiyo, Utaka

  • Re : Get rid of the Oyodo...

    10. 23. 2005 17:47

Taiyo sould replace Oyodo, I agree.

  • Re : Get rid of the Oyodo...

    10. 23. 2005 17:47

oyodos should only be able t ouse torp bombers

  • Re : Get rid of the Oyodo...

    10. 23. 2005 17:41

This was already made by TNF, it was meant for the 2nd CV route...

They are yet to release it, and Trainworld had it on their lists, but it is now off.

Oyodo was a CL not a CV, they never even used the plane part at all, it was instead used as a Command Center.

  • Re : Get rid of the Oyodo...

    10. 23. 2005 17:38


  • Re : Get rid of the Oyodo...

    10. 22. 2005 22:34

no, not 75 percent of the plane space of the Hosho... I'm just saying that what they usually had on board in real life were fighters and scouters, it actually had more plane space than the Hosho, and actual DP guns w/ way more AAW. The Taiyo class CV had alot more actual ships in service during WWII than the one stupid experimental Hosho that should of been used for utility or target practice...
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