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  • What has been suggested before!

    09. 01. 2008 11:42

listed below incase of sticky.

search tip:

press Ctrl+F in Firefox, and you can search individual words.


  • Re : What has been suggested before!

    08. 14. 2010 17:15


  • Re : What has been suggested before!

    03. 28. 2010 04:58

It should be updated again, you know it darky ;)

  • Re : What has been suggested before!

    01. 21. 2010 19:19

alot but i just did one.

  • Re : What has been suggested before!

    01. 08. 2010 10:05

i want more event exp credit and free prem bazaar
and sell neut sailor(neut captain)
more ship can join gb1(20bb 10 cv)
us good gun (3x18 for iowa or monty)
new smiles :D
good grafic
1 sailor can more credit
more hq
more sd defance
us long shot aa
credit trade nf point(credit trade shop)
bb6 cheap
and can trade yellow sailor
new rool dice system

  • Re : What has been suggested before!

    12. 22. 2009 15:37

It's a forum. Restricting what people post (or even asking them to voluntarily refrain
from certain topics) is antithetical to the very idea of a forum. Now, the ability to kick
people for poor grammar and spelling is cogent and useful. But, then, I'd be the
only one here.

  • Re : What has been suggested before!

    11. 09. 2009 20:23

i would really like the free roam, and as it says when you leave the harbour, about not
firing guns, disable the guns for all but actually battles.
i think that the free roam would make it with a bit more RPG

  • Re : What has been suggested before!

    07. 01. 2009 02:23

u know what is dark

  • Re : What has been suggested before!

    06. 28. 2009 09:16

Recced Dark, only because I respect you as a Forum Fire-Starter ;P

  • Re : What has been suggested before!

    03. 24. 2009 15:08

I couldn't find this in there so i will say it now..... certain hits will damage certain
guns on your ship to where they won't be able to fire until your repairs fix it back up,
or if you are damaged beyond belief you lose that gun for that round...

almost like sailor deaths except they may be repaired back in the round

also don't give so much ungodly amount of gold for shooting planes down

  • Re : What has been suggested before!

    03. 15. 2009 12:44

like i said, alot of things go by me unnoticed, feel free to post in here things that
should be added and i'll put them in

editing your posts works too as i check them now and then.
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