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  • A suggestion for the random vet system.

    10. 23. 2005 05:28

I'm at the moment up to 630 experts for 10 vets on my future gunners (1.6%). This sucks,, I have lost more then 10 vets in that time.

It's supposed to be 10% success not 1.6%.

There should be some guarantie. Like if you burn 100, 150 or maybe 200 experts on one sailor WITHOUT closing the sailor window you should get atleast one success.

You should be able to gain 1 vet when you do a super critical hit on someone (in battle, not in mission) aswell as you can loose vets. This wont be enough for a good crew (you will still have to burn experts) but it might make up for a bit of the losses.
e.g. Yeasterday I lost 3vets on one of my primary gunners and some vets on other crew (bad day) and I think that it would be atleast a small chance of me getting 1vet back on one of MY super criticals.
