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  • Impose severe penalties for ppl who quit.

    10. 23. 2005 06:28

Maybe the devs could introduce an exp/credit penalty for quiting midgame. This could take the form of a court martial for desertion in the face of the enemy. The penalties should be graduated in order of ship class/tonnage. For example a ff captain will not get as severely punished as a bb captiain. Feel free to leave suggestions if you wish to do so and thanks for reading my post.

  • Re : Impose severe penalties for ppl who quit.

    10. 23. 2005 06:44

The repair costs are bigger for larger ship classes... I want to say its like 1800 credits for a Revenge BB.

In normal battles, I don't think it should be against the rules to retreat... its bad form... and some game types, such as CL/CA/BB are assumed to be no retreat (and No Torp) as the norm.

I think there should be a SEVERE penalty for retreating from Op Convoy games... like negative experience, negative points, negative creds.

  • Re : Impose severe penalties for ppl who quit.

    10. 23. 2005 06:37

Are you talking about op convoy? because I think there is at least one more post on this subject already. But here's my observation/opinion/whatever...
1. Getting killed in a CV/BB or any large ship is already a costs alot more to repair the larger ships...thats enough of a penalty.
2. If retreating was considered bad....NF wouldnt have made it possible
3. I think you should make an effort to fight if you still have the means to do so, but if you are outta ammo, bombers, or about to die... retreat!!! Save yourself the credits. But if you are talking about opconvoy...teammate quitters suck
