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  • Kriegsmarine or US for AA?

    10. 23. 2005 07:19

I've been looking around for info on this topic but most of it seems to have disappeared with the old forums. I know the US has aiming lines for AA, and are supposed to have superior AAW values for their ships. Given that germans get rapid fire dual 3" early on (level 12 I think) and can stick 5 turrets on a Z1, does the US advantage really outweigh this for early AAing? Or does the US only really come into its own with the AA CLs like the Atlanta an Juneau?

Just asking because I'm thinking of setting up a second nation as a grind-relief and was hoping to make an AA ship.


  • Re : Kriegsmarine or US for AA?

    10. 23. 2005 12:24

Thanks for all your contributions on AA. Guess my neuts are about to discover the wonders of the kriegsmarine.


  • Re : Kriegsmarine or US for AA?

    10. 23. 2005 11:57

the russians had horrible leadership, thanks to stalins purges.

  • Re : Kriegsmarine or US for AA?

    10. 23. 2005 10:55

Oh yes, all the allies were major parts of the war. Russia put pressure on Germany's Eastern front, dividing its forces and allowing for the Brits, Americans, Canadians, and Australians to make a combined assault on D-Day. Without Hitler's forces being divided at the fronts, it wouldn't've been successful. Try playing Axis & Allies the board game for a good model of the war, actually fairly accurate in what needs to be done. Very fun, too.

  • Re : Kriegsmarine or US for AA?

    10. 23. 2005 10:46

z1 rocks at AA.

  • Re : Kriegsmarine or US for AA?

    10. 23. 2005 10:44

my mate has an atlanta and yes it is panties for AA and i have a z31 and that is mint! so go german =)

  • Re : Kriegsmarine or US for AA?

    10. 23. 2005 10:38

"Obviously Panzer doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. But back to the matter at hand."

Oh, do tell me then, how exactly did the US Navy win WWII?

OR, are you just talking about the Pacific Theatre of operation perhaps? What great Naval Combat involved the US Navy in the Atlantic? Did you use the USS Iowa on the Russian steppes to defeat the germans?

How many german ships were present in the Pacific? Perhaps there were others in th e Pacific as well? Like the Brits, the Kiwis, the Aussies and the Dutch?

Well, I certainly doesnt have to tell you all this as it seems you already know everythign about this, or perhaps not?

  • Re : Kriegsmarine or US for AA?

    10. 23. 2005 08:53

Churchill (who was no big fan of the USSR to say the least lol) said that it is questionable whether GB and the USSR could have won the war without the USA, but it is unquestionable that the USA and GB would have been soundly defeated without the USSR. I'd tend to take his word for it, although it's impossible to say what was essential and what wasn't.

Joachim von Ribbentrop thought there were 3 main reasons for Germany's defeat:

- Unexpectedly stubborn resistance from the Soviet Union
- The large-scale supply of arms and equipment from the US to the Soviet Union, under the lend-lease agreement
- The success of the Western Allies in the struggle for air supremacy

Which of these was most important is a matter of opinion, though is terms of human suffering, the Soviets paid far and away the greatest cost.

  • Re : Kriegsmarine or US for AA?

    10. 23. 2005 08:37

I'll say this, Britain and Russia both would have won if not for the US. The Russians only started to beat the Germans after the US started to give them supplies and after the US put increasing air, naval, and ground force on the Axis powers of Italy and Germany (distracting them from the Russian Front). I'm not saying the other Allies didn't help, but they could not have won without the US.

  • Re : Kriegsmarine or US for AA?

    10. 23. 2005 08:34

Obviously Panzer doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. But back to the matter at hand.

If you want a pure AA boat then go German get the z1 and the rapid fires are level 30 (0.80 reload). But if you want to work for a bigger ship with good AA then pick US. There are alot of Baltimores that never let planes get close to them.

  • Re : Kriegsmarine or US for AA?

    10. 23. 2005 08:25

Well, no one fought the Japanese except the U.S. (Did the British fight a few naval battles with them?), and we and the Brits were the major part of the land offensive.
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