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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • The Oyodo Guide

    11. 30. 2008 12:59

Since I've got Oyodo, I've been enjoying NF alot more, plus my credits are alot more
then what they used to be while using the mogami/agano. So to try to help any new
Oyo users out there who haven't a clue at what they're doing I'm going to post this
on setups for the ship itself, the pilots as well as some tactics.

So without further ado;

What you'll need:

One Oyodo CVE

CL Aiming FCS: You should be starting to learn manual in the tsukikei so that by the
time you're in the Agano/Oyodo, you can reliably hit something.

IJN CV Engine VI (Heavy): Gives a good speed of 30/51, which should be good
enough to reach the hotspots.


R Slots: (Lvl 32) 6.1''/ 60 Type 3D (LHE and HHE Ammunition):
When you start with the Oyodo (assuming you've got BAD lvl 33 TBs) you're going to
run out of planes fast. So if you run out of planes, you've still got the ability to dish
out some damage

T Slots:
-(Lvl 34 AA) 3''/ 60 Type 98 A:
These guns have a good reload speed, however their range is limited, which
translates into only being able to protect yourself and ships in your immediate
**Optional, Use if you don't have fighters**
-(Lvl 36 AA) 4.7/ 45 Type 10 A:
These AA guns, which give the IJN a good long-range AA punch, are excellent to use
to snipe scouts and passing bomber formations (assuming they're not heading for

Stay away from Torpedoes with the Oyodo, you've got to get close to an enemy to
use them (unless you've got Long Lance torpedos). If you've got a pesky DD
shooting you, blast him with your main battery and call for some help (DO NOT
LAUNCH PLANES.. his AAW will chew them up)

(Lvl 40 TB): Yes I know you're happy you've finally got planes that can attack ships,
but wait a few more levels and you'll be even happier. Grinding to lvl 40 with the T1
TBs is grueling. The payoff is alot better though, you've got planes capable of
making it through 3 seconds of AAW and can come home afterwards.

(Lvl 40 Fighter): Use these fighters mainly to pick off scouts and low level Torpedo
bombers and Dive bombers, stay away from other nations fighters, they'll chew you

(Lvl 25 Scout): Some people will flame you as a n00b Oyo driver for having a scout,
however when I load up my TB's and FPs, i've got enough space for 1 scout, why not
use him? You never know which BB or CA will need one.


Deck: N/A: It's too heavy and expensive.
Belt: 0.2-0.4: Use this to (supposedly) double the effectiveness of your bulge, any
more is just dead weight.
Bulge: As much as you can fit. Try not to drop too low in speed.
Bulkhead N/A: Once again, too heavy, speed and range is your lifeblood

Strategy and Tactics:
First and foremost, low level IJN ships (IMO) are better suited to support the main
battle line. The same applies to the Oyodo. You haven뭪 got the plane space to shut
off a whole air space nor the right planes to do so. Secondly you don뭪 mount a
complete main Battery to crush anything by yourself. Thus, what can you do?
Support areas that are going to collapse, or areas that have a heavy enemy
(One important thing to do in the Oyodo is to get used to your fighting style, a good
place to learn is blitz)

In here, your presence can be more keenly felt (especially if its uneven CVs). Scouts
from Gun ships don't stand a chance against your fighters (if you've got them)
however stay away from enemy fighters if they do appear! Your TB bombers are
whats gonna rake in the cash though. In Blitz you've got lower level ships who
haven't got good AA (save for the US). So prey mainly on CLs (Mogamis are very
good targets!) and some CAs. If your going to attack a BB, launch from outside the
AAW range, yes you'll probably miss some of your shots, but you may get hits and
more importantly, you don't lose planes! The main idea of aerial torpedoing in the
Oyodo is to support the line, so in other words, take out or damage key ships who
are leading the rush into your territory.

If the opportunity arises that you've lost your planes, you can again support the
main line with your Main Battery and your AA guns. the 6.1'' usually don't have
enough range to outrange many CLs, so take out the charging DDs. Every little bit

Great Battles:

In here, you're really the last pick of the team, nobody really wants you cause you're
taking up that valuable CV slot, show em what your made of!

In GB, the main thing is to support the Flanks with your "mother CV" in other words,
pick a CV on your team and trail them and support the Flank their attacking. Basically
copy the tactics used in Blitz, but apply them to that flank only. If enemy fighters
appear, run. Do not charge right off the start but ready your planes and stay in the
rear, if you see a large thrust appearing on the enemies flank, follow cautiously.
Hopefully you can last the round and gain lots of XP, Credits and Points.

This concludes the Oyodo guide, if you have any comments, suggestions please
post. Flamers don't post unless its constructive.

Thanks for reading,


(Edit: Messed some of the post up from transition from Word)

  • Re : The Oyodo Guide

    05. 17. 2010 20:39

I quite playing the game some time ago, just as my Japanese crew reached the level of
the Oyodo. Unfortunately, the patch that eliminated neutral BO powerleveling was
enacted soon after, so my BO was stuck with the Oyo. Now, I've just come back to the
game to pleasantly discover that the Oyodo no longer occupies an important CV slot.
Now, rather than being a horrible detriment to your team, you're actually a valuable
contribution, providing extra minor CV support. Finally, all the guilt associated with
bringing an Oyo into a GB is gone!

  • Re : The Oyodo Guide

    05. 14. 2010 16:28

Having an Oyodo as your escort is not a bad idea, now that is can be an escort. It's
a bit interesting with subs, and kinda funny when you use them.

  • Re : The Oyodo Guide

    05. 14. 2010 10:41

Like I said in the above post the Oyo is seriously worth using. You can fill a ton of
roles that are often neglected while still feeling like you're doing something and
being useful to your teammates. Granted this set up is best for people who already
have the required sailors from other crews. Its not a build i'd recommend to anyone
who's worried about leveling a CV crew.

1) You are a provider of scouts first and foremost. Not a glam job but still necessary.
And while you have more than any other gunboat you'll still want to watch your
placement of them because enemy fighters are still the number one killer of scouts.
People will thank you for the scouts.

2) You are a finisher of cripples. Your low level DB or TB drop like flies when going
after full health targets but damaged CLs, CAs, and low to mid range BBs are prime
targets. Instead of allowing them to limp away and repair you hunt them down and
pick them off before they can become a credible threat again. Your low launching
numbers make this the most likely way of hitting and actually sinking targets.

3) You are a Subhunter. You're a CL now which means you can still pack a Sonarman.
Sure it'll eat into your support slots but then you shouldn't be trying to pack in as
many pilots as you possibly can anyway since you're aiming for a jack of all trades
approach. Throw some HH on your T slots and watch that mini map and your
immediate area. You see a sub? Let your buddies know, shadow it, and destroy it.
People will thank you for killing the sub. (not that its that hard these days)

4) You are a CL. This means you can safely deal with rogue DDs and FFs that streak
through your lines or sneak around the sides for a shot at your CVs. Mount those trip
6.1s and go to town on the pests. Your CVs will thank you.

5) You are a mine layer. Make use of those event gift mines and load em up on your
scouts when they go out. You might as well. I've had some serious successes with
mine equipped scouts. Launch two pairs at the beginning of the game and send em
to the extreme north or south of the forming enemy line and drop em. Send one pair
back and let the second pair loiter providing recon. Repeat as opportunities arise.
Good for taking out those annoying ASW and AAW boats and for confusing BBs.

See...look at all those roles you could be filling with one boat and all at the same
time! Try it!

  • Re : The Oyodo Guide

    04. 27. 2010 20:28

I personally use 2 3x6.1" guns with LHE (3binds) and AA (3Binds)

and mount 4 4xType93 M2 Torp launcher and still do well both in Blitzs or GBs
(better in blitz thou)

and i don't bring any armor xcept 300bulge and 0.4"belt...

with CL Engine III [heavy] i get 32/47 speed... prett good for a CL >_<

for planes i'm still using lv40 TB (still training new FP and DB :(( )

altough i admit Oyodo being a CL sometimes unbalance blitz a little >_<

once there's 2oyo and 1ryujo ended in the same team by the auto balance lol...
we own the skies xD... (i feel bad for my enemy :( )

  • Re : The Oyodo Guide

    04. 21. 2010 06:50

The Oyodo is worth using in GB now. Outfit yourself with a DB pilot(the higher the lvl
the better obviously), scouts, and the trip 6.1s. You can provide scouts better than
any other non-CV can for the battle line(while dropping mines too) and you can get
the occasional DB mission in as long as you make sure to choose your targets wisely
and avoid fighters. I wouldn't bother using fighters till you nab the Mog(cv).

  • Re : The Oyodo Guide

    04. 11. 2010 17:31

Oyodo is a nice ship at now

  • Re : The Oyodo Guide

    04. 09. 2010 10:56

When you remodel any ship, all guns, engines, and everything are sold automatically.

  • Re : The Oyodo Guide

    04. 09. 2010 09:25

So I'm an Agano CL atm, I think 4 more levels then I can get Oyodo, I got a question. If you
remodel it to Oyodo do you keep the guns and stuff in place they were or do you have to buy
all new ones?

  • Re : The Oyodo Guide

    04. 08. 2010 05:25

well, at least they solved the problems of ise CV errr... BB going into a CV room

  • Re : The Oyodo Guide

    04. 08. 2010 05:21

i used Guns on my Oyodo and loved it. still did decent damage with a nice spread after
all my planes were exausted. and if you didnt lose all your planes at some point then you
werent trying hard enough to win or the other team just sux.

just because Oyodos are back to being CLs doesnt mean they wont carry planes and such.
they just no longer take up a CV spot in GB2s and such. its purly a classing issue i dont
think the ship itself has been changed in any way
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