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Royal Navy


  • What do they do?

    01. 04. 2009 18:30

What do the Airlift Force, Air Assault, Landing Force, Royal Marine and Seaman do?

  • Re : What do they do?

    12. 04. 2009 02:26


rumour 1.
they help u mark shells. (personal experience shows this to be true, but who knows what i
was smoking that night)

>>> That is correct.

rumour 2.
in support slots they help fighter ability.
>>> That is correct, until you hit the fighter cap with your pilots.

rumour 3
in T slots they help planes load faster.
>>> Incorrect

rumour 4
when 12x lvl 120 seaman are on 1 ship. the world will end.

>>> Want me to do that on the test server :P

  • Re : What do they do?

    12. 03. 2009 17:42

to add to more seaman rumours.

rumour 1.
they help u mark shells. (personal experience shows this to be true, but who knows what i
was smoking that night)

rumour 2.
in support slots they help fighter ability.

rumour 3
in T slots they help planes load faster.

rumour 4
when 12x lvl 120 seaman are on 1 ship. the world will end.

  • Re : What do they do?

    12. 03. 2009 12:54

Im sure the Landing Forces stack up and a few APAs filled with them can bring a harbour
down quick. Cant remember how many we had in the taking of London.

  • Re : What do they do?

    12. 03. 2009 08:46

Actually, Seaman do help pilots currently. They help abilities that aren't at the cap.

  • Re : What do they do?

    12. 03. 2009 04:14

I think that they only give you more SD and nothing more

  • Re : What do they do?

    12. 01. 2009 15:57

"They are rumoured to help increase fighters (Very hard to test, some believe in it, some

See the thread in TTF friends section I was telling you about to see why I think seaman
helping fighters is crap.

  • Re : What do they do?

    12. 01. 2009 06:54

"Based on that, I'd say that if you have 4 or 5 engineers on a battleship, then a
Seaman will add more than another engineer will, plus he also gives great repair
skill boost. "

No, that is completely untrue.

  • Re : What do they do?

    11. 30. 2009 19:01

Well with a lvl 103 US Seaman, I can tell you they do indeed add repair, restore, and
overheat on their own, plus he boosts my speed by a knot, which is evidence that
he is increasing the skill of the engineers. I have not seen a difference in aircraft
behavior or gunnery skill, but that might be because my pilots suck and my gunners
are at the cap.

Based on that, I'd say that if you have 4 or 5 engineers on a battleship, then a
Seaman will add more than another engineer will, plus he also gives great repair
skill boost.

  • Re : What do they do?

    11. 30. 2009 17:11

LJ couldn't they just alter the seaman code to make them usefull for something
rather than this and that just being a myth?

I have a UK seaman around the 102 mark can't say I have noticed much difference
with him on or off maybe they benefit lower level players more than higher ones

  • Re : What do they do?

    11. 28. 2009 22:38

as for the original coder question..... are there only monkeys left to maintain the
code? Any developer worth their weight in salt should be able to read code and
discern the intent (or at least what it does). Unless they don't have that and it is all
binary that they decompile and try changing hex values to fix bugs (which might
explain why they fix some and introduce others.....)

I have a UK and KM seaman (mid 60s)...... When I was running both a medic and
seaman on a UK CV I perceived better fighter usage and a lot less deaths. On my
KM BB I was leveling a few other sailors and I took off the seaman and I did "feel"
repair rates were lower but I am not maxed out yet so it might have simply been "on
the top" additive.
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