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  • 1/14(1/15) Maintenance: Servers down 10PM-12PM PST

    01. 14. 2009 17:47

Servers will be down on the night of Jan. 14th, from 10PM through 12PM Pacific
Standard Time. (Jan. 15th, 06:00 -> Jan. 15th, 08:00 GMT/UTC time)

Patch 1.243

1. Submarine system has been altered.
- The repair speed of the Submarine now depends on it's status.
When it is on surface, the repair speed is 100%, however when it is underwater,
the repair speed is 30% of the normal rate.
- The air recharge status on Submarines has been changed.
If you do not have a Planesman class sailor on your Submarine, the air recharge
status will be 0 at the start of the battle. Also, if the Planesman does not fill more
than 90% of the recruits on him, it will be 0 at the start of the battle.
- Hotkey for Critical Dive has been added.
The key for Critical Dive is 'I'.
- The error where no splash damage was appearing for GER submarine torpedoes,
has been fixed.

2. The ban message from the room has been changed. It will now show as 'You
have been banned by [Host ID] from the room'.

3. The Coin Event will be extended 1 week.

