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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Aki help needed

    10. 23. 2005 11:51

Hi recently got an Aki wit 4 double 5" guns problem is that im having trouble get a decent ammount of damage to get good exp in all dd games , as i get owned by ddx/z99 and im quite slow against torps , any ideas on getting more exp and avoiding these problems?

  • Re : Aki help needed

    11. 03. 2005 11:38

The Akitsuki is a ship, but it is an even better ship when you modify it to the
Akitsukikai. You also have to look at what you are placing it up against. The DDX and
Z99 are an add on ship that are WAY over powered. The Akistuki works best with
the 5" guns, the Akistukikai will give you more speed and the ability to carry the 5.5"
guns. Be patient and stay with what you are using, once you can get the 5.5" D gun,
then make your transition to the Akitsukikai, and then you will be powerful enough
to stand up to the DDX and Z99. You will only beat them if you are really good,
because those ships are WAY over powered and need to have some nerfing done to
them. I have a Mogami and I still use my Akitsukikai.

  • Re : Aki help needed

    10. 24. 2005 07:15

Thx ne 1 help me get 3 guners to lvl 23? :-)

  • Re : Aki help needed

    10. 23. 2005 13:08

Aki at your level is relatively hard to use since you don't even have 5.5s. But keep trying, once you get 5.5s things tend to work out better. And go for the Kai remodel as stated.

  • Re : Aki help needed

    10. 23. 2005 12:29

plz refer to other posts using the search button.

akitsuki is an excellent verstitile ship when you get use to it. the only thing inferior is its arcs but in experience when you know how to use it and micro it well, it can be one of the best dd2. to make the akitsuki stronger at ur current rate, you need to lvl up your armament sailors to lvl 23 for the 5.5" guns. these guns have the same rld as your 5" and are stronger and better range and when you reach tsukikei at lvl 24, it's a godlike ship if you can use the ship as well as the akitsuki as their body structure is almost the same but also, akitsuki has a remodel of it so its ur decision if you want to remdel or wait for it.

akitsuki in normal version is as slow as a kagero so the kai form gives a better engine, better torps(type 90 X5), better gun space and more displacement becuz you'll need it most when ur displacement is going to be maxed out cause of ur crew since the body is already half the weight of its full displacement. the sacrifice is 200 DP which isnt much so yes remodel it. its very cheap fee of 7500. not much losses as its a better ship to grind your way to mogami. btw, agano is a bad ship if its your fisrt time using it cause you'd be using the dual 6" which are not for agano and its a hulking taget. if you want, try agano when you get 7.9"B. though they're not the best but they can outrange most cls and can pack a punch if they hit. becuz agano carries such high calibre guns at the cl1 range. NEVER go close using an agano cause most of your shots are harder hit up close(unless broadsiding) and your rld of guns will buy even more time for other fast rld dds or cls to take advantage of you. hint: high calibre guns are actaully easier and more accurate to hit if you maximize your range.

P.S: some content is copied from my other replys =)