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  • 1/21(1/22) Maintenance: Servers down 10PM-12PM PST

    01. 21. 2009 17:37

Servers will be down on the night of Jan. 21th, from 10PM through 12PM Pacific
Standard Time. (Jan. 22th, 06:00 -> Jan. 22th, 08:00 GMT/UTC time)

Patch 1.244

1. The host's name will be shown right next to the room title in the battle room for
now on.

2. When the previous host goes out from the room and another players becomes a
host, a message will appear on the new host's screen noticing about the host
-This function is only on the game modes where the host has the function to move
players to another team(Great Battle, Blitzkrieg, Select Mode, Night Battle)

3. The Alpha, Bravo ship information panel window will be switched to the opposite
side of each others, since the current Alpha, Bravo window was placed on the
opposite side of the team's actual starting point.

4. The game exit window will not activate when the Option window is opened
inorder to prevent certain bugs.

5. The bugs appearing on chat logs when the /c or /clear command is used, has
been fixed.

6. The bug making the remaining veteran sailors 0 has been fixed.

