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  • Create a "risk" type campaign map.

    10. 23. 2005 13:14

What a great idea to make the game more interesting would be to have a actual map campaign. Where there is a huge map like the one we have right now, but its dynamic.

Each player gets to choose to be on the Navy A or Navy B, and both sides fight for contested sectors on the campaign map. It's basically like the boardgame "risk" where if one team wins a certain amount of the games, then they win that location, and the battlefield is pushed, and new contested locations pop up, and on either side of the map is a capital or something of that nature.

This would be a great way to play a more broad amount of maps. If find playin on the same island map becomes a drag, this would force players to play on different funner maps.

  • Re : Create a

    10. 23. 2005 15:14

like the idea...

  • Re : Create a

    10. 23. 2005 15:09

This might be something NF would consider post-retail. Seeing as they are more concerned ATM with meeting deadline and fixing bugs, it probably wouldn't be implemented any time soon. Good suggestion though.

  • Re : Create a

    10. 23. 2005 15:00

This would be cool but HARD AS HELL to program in, especially this late in the game.

  • Re : Create a

    10. 23. 2005 14:51

the only problem with that would be that if they made it a world map, then it would only be axis vs allies. Or only nation vs nation. Will kinda mess up the game.

  • Re : Create a

    10. 23. 2005 13:43

Well I just made a quick sketch of the main idea. You would fight regular battles, but on different maps dependin on the sector contested. This would help cycle through more maps, and would make battles be fought for a reason other then xp :p

  • Re : Create a

    10. 23. 2005 13:41

This would be awesome. Add alot more character to the game with in depth messegas from allied radio men saying," We lost the baltic see to the Axis, send task group 3". Speaking of that what about task-groups?

  • Re : Create a

    10. 23. 2005 13:36

Well it would add some fun to the game. As of now all players just play for the grind up. There is really not much other features.

  • Re : Create a

    10. 23. 2005 13:26

i guess so but then NF would have to tear out the battle channel and turn into an inship background. alot TNF missed out for the game to be better such as an armory for buying different types of armor, harbor assault, aec.

  • Re : Create a

    10. 23. 2005 13:21

You have a point about playing on the same boring map. That's a problem. Everyone cramps into area 7 to play and the other areas are hardly ever used. I think what we need is to just start spreading out...or maybe an official NF post about a certain area being the next best spot to play would get people motivated to move around. Right now people are comfortable with the populated areas. I'd like to see a change too.