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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Stay at the Fubuki or get the Simakaza

    10. 23. 2005 14:11


Need some advise.... Stay at the Fubuki or get the Simakaza?

Plz explain why

Thx in Advance

  • Re : Stay at the Fubuki or get the Simakaza

    10. 24. 2005 00:59

Well, if u can get sb to sell you a Sima (or Shima, to be correct) for a reasonable price or if u r lucky enough to find a spare one in the harbour (it happens, though VERY rarely), go for this beauty.
But you푡 probably have to stick in the Fubu just as I have to :-) But maybe u r luckier than me, dude :-)

  • Re : Stay at the Fubuki or get the Simakaza

    10. 24. 2005 00:54


Thx for the feedback guys.... Sorry but didnt write the correct name for the lvl 32 DD :-)

  • Re : Stay at the Fubuki or get the Simakaza

    10. 23. 2005 22:04

btw any1 know when NF going for retails?? i heard end of the year

  • Re : Stay at the Fubuki or get the Simakaza

    10. 23. 2005 21:40

id say fubuki is better to use as it can carry the M3 torps while the sima cant carry any better torps than the M3 except for the type 90 X5 which is weaker and slower but bigger spread and longer range or the X4 M1 launcher but i think the dmg input isnt as strong as the M3 X3 launcher.

  • Re : Stay at the Fubuki or get the Simakaza

    10. 23. 2005 20:19


  • Re : Stay at the Fubuki or get the Simakaza

    10. 23. 2005 19:52

ya, anyone who buys a sima now is getting ripped off. They're going to sell your ships back when it goes retail so you get a sima for a couple months at a loss of a million or more creds...

  • Re : Stay at the Fubuki or get the Simakaza

    10. 23. 2005 19:46

Whats so bad about the Simakaza? I dont see whats wrong with it, its fast and has good torps. But you'll have to spend a pretty penny if you want it.

  • Re : Stay at the Fubuki or get the Simakaza

    10. 23. 2005 14:19

There are no Simakazes. So what options are you left with? Fubu.

Stay Fubu or go Kuma...? Stay Fubu.

Stay Fubu until Kita.

Or actually learn to use guns and go the gunship route.

  • Re : Stay at the Fubuki or get the Simakaza

    10. 23. 2005 14:12

stay fubu

simple why??

cuz theres no more sima!!!111


hahahhaha lmao rofl lmafo
