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  • [SS] Give us the freaking Gato

    03. 09. 2009 10:23

Yes yes, I know that the Suggestions forum is useless, even more so for ship requests, but
I really do need to vent.

Why is it that IJN and KM get T2 and T3 submarine classess that were designed shortly
before or during the war, while USN is stuck with a WWI patrol boat for its SS2 and an
experimental 1920's prototype for its SS3? I could say similar stuff about the RN
submarines since they seem to be carrying 1920's designs as well, but since I'm not an RN
player (and know little about RN naval history) I'll leave that alone.

Anyways, back to the subject at hand. Out of all the nations' submarine forces, the USN
had the one with the best service record, and here we are driving around outdated hulls.
At the minimum, our SS3 should have been the Porpoise, and maybe that should have been the
SS2, since the S class only really offers more speed and reloads than the O class.

If you're going to give us crappy WWI and interwar experimental submarines for our SS2 and
SS3, then at the minimum we deserve the Gato (or at minimum, Tambor) class submarine for
our SS4. The Gato was the largest class of USN submarines used during the war (including
Balao and Tench), and were just as instrumental in winning the war as the carrier force
was, maybe even more so; more than you could say for the KM or IJN submarine forces.

Yes, submarines are still overpowered, and yes, they do need to be fixed, but that doesn't
mean that SDE can just fix that by giving us incrementally less powerful submarines and be
done with it.

  • Re : [SS] Give us the freaking Gato

    01. 06. 2011 16:13

We should make a SS5 out of the listed Subs with SLIGHTY better capibilites and
lower the health to around 14000

Also make PSS with special abilities (such as mine laying) and SS4 capibilites

  • Re : [SS] Give us the freaking Gato

    01. 02. 2011 23:21

some create for megadon a self topic,and remove this reply in all topics is bored and
out of mind,maybe lifted rehor with him to don't be lonly.
Tambor subs first.

  • Re : [SS] Give us the freaking Gato

    01. 02. 2011 04:36

i normally dont like subs... but i actually agree with this... the current US sub's (in-
game) suck, and look like crap... and if i'm right, the US SS2 is the only SS2 that has
no rear torps.

It has always been my impression that the US navy had good subs... or atleast
decent one's in WWII. I mean i know we where still using out dated subs, and
probably some from WWI, but common....

personally, i dont know what sub you speak of, but if it looks any better than the
crappy looking subs US has now, SDE should replace it. (note: i can only say this for
the ss1 and 2, dont have ss3 or 4 for us yet.)

BUT Here is an option, and idk if this is what you mean... get rid of the SS2, and just
move down the SS3 and SS4. Making the SS3 into an SS2 by editing it, and the same
with the ss4. Then add the sub you suggested as the ss4. Or SDE can make it
whatever class they want.

  • Re : [SS] Give us the freaking Gato

    01. 01. 2011 16:26

Rec'd! A must have for the US sub line.

  • Re : [SS] Give us the freaking Gato

    01. 01. 2011 14:22

commenting to bump back to the top...

Already Rec'd

  • Re : [SS] Give us the freaking Gato

    12. 28. 2010 05:25

I have a US sub...and I'm still trying to grind him past the crappy SS1/2 subs...the US
sub force was instramental to strangling the Japanese Empire of resources (the
primary reason they lost the war...was that their maritime fleet was resting on the
bottom of the Pacific) due to the use of unrestricted submarine warfare on the Nip
maritime fleet...and the Gato class fleet submarine with it's huge combat radius was
the major reason US Navy was able to defeat the Nips...give us the tools to play.

  • Re : [SS] Give us the freaking Gato

    12. 28. 2010 04:07

tambor is the first maybe next ss5 and gato is the second with ballo and tench improve,
that is remb one old like that of lordkelvin.

  • Re : [SS] Give us the freaking Gato

    12. 28. 2010 03:32


spam and necro much??

ther is a sticky topic for subs use that...and avoide seperated
suggestions IMO

/close -.-


  • Re : [SS] Give us the freaking Gato

    12. 28. 2010 02:12

yea i think its bcs MN subs (in real life) have poor quality (most of em excluding surcouf)

  • Re : [SS] Give us the freaking Gato

    12. 28. 2010 00:36

I dont know what 5th teir sub the French would get but the 6th teir would be Surcouf the
largest submarine built before the emergence of the 1-400. The Surcouf would have a dual
8ich turret
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